Old Moon- Chapter 31

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Clio choose not to go to school until a few days after the incident with the warlock like men. She wasn't scared of them or their words but they swam around her mind, and with Asshai she felt more at ease.

She distanced her self from her phone, she didn't want to read the messages or hear about school she just wanted to lie on his large bed and forget the world. Scrolling through his phone Asshai got a text, "Party 2 night at Ninas."He wondered if Clio even wanted to go, she had told him before that she didn't like parties that much. But he just bit the bullet.

"So theres this party tonight, and well i just wanted to know if you wanted to come."

She gave him an incredulous look before rolling her eyes and breathlessly saying, "sure," with a sigh.

He gave her a smirk and texted his friend back, she got up and said, "I've got to go to get ready then."

He shook his keys like a dad to a baby and said, "I'll come with."

She was almost scared about all their time spent together, it was a noticeable void of darkness where he should be when he wasn't with her. They were co dependent on eachother, she could live with out a heartbeat but couldn't live with out Asshai, her friends faded away along with her family and only he was left and it didn't matter to her.

She threw on a red dress, it had flowly sleeves that stopped 3/4's the way down her arms, and came in tight to her waist before the skirt flared out to below her bum. She twisted the sides of her hair, it was wavy naturally looking effortless and she slowly applied her makeup.

He scanned her room, trailing his finger along her chest of draws. Above it were all the photos Clio and her friends had taken over the summer, they were full of happiness, and below was an old framed photo of her and a boy sitting in the grass, you could tell by the way it was almost curling despite the frame and the sepia colouring that it was as camera's were coming out that it was taken.


She took his hand and lead him down the dark oak stairs and said, "Let's go."

They walked in an the air was different to Josh's, it was chaotic sure but the air wasn't heavy as if one wrong move and it would come crashing down and when a couple of drugged up drunk teenagers are in charge it comes crashing down quickly.

It was different, more relaxed and enjoyable but it was early in the night as they arrived at 8. 2 more hours and it would surely be hectic as they watched people make bad decision after bad decision and by the grace of drunk memory loss they forget in the morning.

It had stopped raining but the air was still wet and rejuvenated, maybe the harsh February would turn into a much more forgiving March.

They sank down on the couch, her home was lovely. With long grey velvet settees and glass tables. The human carnage that would ravage through it in a while would be shocking.

The rooms began filling up with random people from their school, from year 11 to 13. The music was a strange mix but some how worked as it flipped from rap to country to pop to 80's and back.

Ash pulled her up to dance, the alcohol having little effect on them. The room felt heavy, the sweat was condensing on the windows so he led her out side.

Pushing her on the concrete wall and stealing a long meaningful kiss. Quite stunned by him, she could never predict him like everyone else, she couldn't get inside of his head.

He clicked his lighter as she sat on the wall admiring him. His dark hair flipped over his green eyes, his jaw line was sharp and he looked picture ready with the long cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

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