New Moon-Chapter 22

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She stared into the tall oak mirror. She saw herself. Her skin as white as the snow looking almost translucent against the blood red of her dress. It had a low v-cut and flared out to a full skirt. She felt special. She smiled and twirled infatuated  with her own reflection.

The door creeked open revealing Asshai, he stood smartly watching as Clio twirled around in the mirror. He was wearing a black suit with a matching blood red tie.

They could both hear the slow music down stairs; by the sound of it Clio had measured the formality, Mrs Hamilton has opted for a pianist to play whatever songs he found fit ergo it was very fancy.

He reached out his cold hand and offering it her, she quickly grabbed it. By the nod of his head he lead her down the stairs. The ballroom felt suspended, everyone held their breaths as they watched them slowly walk down.

The piano music began to pick up, and they steadily danced. Swaying to the delicate music, she tip-toed up to his head and whispered, "I'm not so sure about this."

She immediately regretted her decision as she realised that most of the people here would be vampires too and could probably hear her.

"Just enjoy your self," he muttered as he span her around.

The formality and eloquence of the Hamilton's event opposed Josh's party. His was a mess, a beautiful mess. The precise footwork of the dancing in this giant ballroom was delicate, Josh's party was a thrash of teenagers in a small house. Yet she couldn't work out what she liked more.

Fiery looks began, she felt her almost hypothermic body heating up. Melting as critical looks were cast.

Asshai lead her out of the limelight and to what she assumed were old friends. She trailed behind him like a toddler, she wasn't brash enough to start up her conversations.

Asshai introduced her to countless people, she just smiled and nodded as they spoke over her. God she really wished she was in her room right now.

"You hate this don't you?" A mysterious female voice asked.

"Well- I mean - no- well- I guess," she was conflicted, she didn't know who she was talking to.

The girl was gorgeous, her hair was short and blonde down back into a bun with her fringe hanging out. She was tall and wearing a dress that was more bright red with a low back that pooled on the floor.

"I'm Tatiana," she smiled.

"I'm Clio."

"You think I don't know that?"

Clio was slightly confused, Tatiana clearly picked up on this.

"Sorry, it's just everyone was talking about it because your well you know a Cromwell -" Tatiana said her name like it was a secret, a skeleton in the closet. She couldn't understand the relationship that their families have.

"Oh erm, well that's me."

"You're gorgeous you know, he looks at you like no one else."

"Thanks," Clio skin was itching with awkwardness she didn't want to talk about Asshai or talk to anyone really. Tatiana was nice enough and had a warmth to her but for some reason she just wanted to run.

Tatiana grabbed her hand began to lead her out of the tall French doors, into the garden. As she step out the heat of everyone's eyes fell and she felt much more at ease.

She reached for a cigarette but remembered ball gowns don't have pockets, so just pushed back her hair and fiddled with it.

"I know you don't want me to be here, but I'll say my piece and leave. I was an outsider here too, I married Nate about 100 years ago," she looked back at a tall man talking to Ash, " and I still feel like I don't truly belong here. But if he loves you it will become more comfortable with time."

Clio looked at her and smiled. She was right but she wasn't right right now. Clio needed time to feel okay about this and she didn't have it.

Tatiana slowly disappeared back into the action leaving Clio outside for possibly another hour or two.

She gazed into the endless green of the garden. And just sat on the thin metal chairs, they were beautiful, the type you find outside a Parisian cafe. She was lost in her head, instead of replaying old memories like the old Clio she began to replay the memories of the past few weeks.

She turned back, looking through the large windows into the warmly lit ballroom. Watching old friends dance and laugh under candle light while accompanied by piano music. She felt like she was watching a film. But unlike normal films she wished this one would end quickly so she could fall asleep next to him again.

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