Waning Quarter - Chapter 29

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For the days that Seb and Alex were suspended there was a buzz around the friend group. Everyone asking them where they were and what actually happened.

Fiona was probably the only person who would thrive in that situation and with her current predicament people's questions were tiresome.

The British weather was classically British and so the sky was painted in smoke grey over cast and the heavens opened a little just to let the rain pour.

"Come to my car- Ash"

She excused her self from the table and began to walk to Ash's car.

The rain was thick and almost obscured her view to the car park.

"Clio," she heard someone shout, but carried on walking, she didnt really care about school these days it was fun to escape it or just use it as a place to find fun.

"Clio," they shouted again more forcefully. She turned around to a wet Mr Keats, the rain bouncing off his bald head as he looked at her expectantly.

She turned around and replied, "Sir," in the same tone as him dragging out the "r".

"Where are you going in this rain."

"Somewhere." That was the best lie she could think of on the spot, aka a really awful lie.

"Go back to the dinner hall," he turned to the building were all the teenagers were being kept in. School felt more and more like a containment centre for hormonal teenagers than a place of learning to her.

"Yeah, yeah in a minute," she could see Ash driving closer to them now, saving her from the conversation that wasn't going to end well.

"In a minu-" Mr Keats began but was abruptly cut off by the slamming of Ash's car door as Clio climbed in and shut the door before he could start a tangent about GCSE's.

He stood in shock before knocking on the car window almost furiously, only to be stopped by Clio shouting, "drive" to Ash as they disappeared into the winding slick roads that lead to his home.

Mr Keats walked into the dinner hall, now dripping in rain and a clear expression of frustration as he B-Lined for the table Clio should have been sitting on. 

"Where is Clio?" He asked the girls and a confused Sean.

"The toilets," the simultaneously lied. They didn't mind lying for a friend but they ½ wished Clio would have gotten caught with Ash so maybe someone that wasn't them could bring her down to reality that she was ruining her educational opportunities by chasing him. They never knew it didn't matter to her from the start, these test results showed her nothing as she could try it all again when ever she wanted for however long she wanted.

He shot them a look, as if to say we both know that's bull. They tried to give him smiles that said we know but what are we going to do.

He walked away probably trying to find out the boy by girls who were more likely to talk but knew Clio less.

"What are we going to do about her," Sean asked, it wasn't shocking that her cared, he was a naturally caring person it's just that his interests didn't fall out of the category named "LILY".

"We just have to wait it out," Lily said. It was true, Clio was waiting it out to start a new life with Ash were they could be them with out anyone else, the 5 were waiting it out for it to be Clio and just Clio, no one influencing her.

They drove to his house, walking along the long modern corridors to his room.

She sprawled out her work near his balcony door so she could watch the raging black ocean swirl near them.

He flicked through his old records, choosing what songs to play on his record player. There was something about the sound of vinyls that technology couldn't replicate they sounded authentic not automatic.

He caught her watching him instead of doing her work, but in reality she was sketching him in her small sketch book as his brows furrowed trying to read what was in cardboard packaging.

When she got bored of watching him she sprawled out the words stuck in her head, some how it was like decluttering her mind.

She let her self have a long conversation with her self. Reflecting on how perfect everything seemed at the moment, if the world stood still she knew right now she would be happy.

The rain relentlessly tapped on the window, adding a new layer of the sound of her pen on paper over whatever record Ash had chosen, it was serine and she never wanted it to end.

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