"No escaping" he smirked as he with some effort climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

Well there he dropped him to the ground right in front of a wall which he immediately forced back the Eren burrito into.

"Le-" Eren started saying but Levi cut him off by pressing his lips to his. "Mmf" Eren let out.

Once Levi had him soft and pliant again, he broke the kiss and went down to place a few teasing kisses in the crook of his neck.

"...Yes? What is it, love?" he mumbled against the skin.

"Ahh...!" Eren whined. "L-let me go please, I want to touch you" he replied.

"Hrm..." Levi grumbled at first but then gave in to the admittedly tempting request. The blanket fell down to Eren's feet and he immediately pulled the shorter, also naked man into a hug.

"Hahh..." he breathed out, sighing happily to himself. Levi let out a small puff of air but did kind of hug him back.

"Let's get you clean now, love" he said and let go after a moment of staying like that and this time Eren didn't seem to protest. He let go of Levi to watch him with a contented look as the older man went to grab a pair of towels.

"You want to shower or just use wet towels?" Levi asked.

"Hmm... are you going to shower?" Eren asked back.


"Then I'll join you?" he said but made it sound like a question. Levi chuckled and turned on the water to get it hot.

"Come then" he said and held out his hand towards his boyfriend. Eren walked happily over to him. "But first, I think that we should remove your collar" he said after Eren had reached him and taken his hand. Eren raised his eyebrows and looked a little surprised.

"It's wise to not wear it for too long at once in the beginning. If you continue to wear this I'll be able to continue training you as soon as I deem the aftercare done and it's tough work to wear this all day" he explained and placed a kiss on Eren's cheek.

"I'm okay though..." Eren said a little quieter than usual and looked away.

"That may be true but you need rest now and then, especially while you're still so new to this or the exhaustion might come bite you in the ass afterwards. You're still mine Eren, I just won't be as strict, remember?" he said and gently brought back a strand of hair from his face.

"Oh, okay then...!" Eren said and showed him a relaxed and happy smile. Levi raised his left hand to point to a thin, black chain he wore as a bracelet, on which he had fastened the key to the lock. He then gestured for him to turn around, but Eren's eyes widened when he saw the small key carried at Levi's wrist.

"You've had that there the whole time?" Eren asked, sounding curious but surprised. Levi had to grab his shoulders to make him turn around and still he kept trying to look back over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"Yes" Levi replied. He reached up to the back of his neck but then paused and tapped his skin with the tip of the small key... "Just don't think that this'll mean that you can act up however much you want without any consequences at all" he reminded him in a low, semi threatening voice and sensually dragged a finger along the shell of his ear. A pleasant shiver seemed to run through Eren's spine and he let out a quiet moan.

"I'll bear that in mind" he replied, his voice sounding a little breathless. Levi smirked.

"You better" he said and then finally brought the key to the tiny keyhole... he unlocked it with a fairly loud click.

✘ "You have a new match!" [Riren] [R-18] ✘जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें