7: The first meeting

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Eren's POV

Another week have passed by since Levi and Eren had their first video call and they were now finally about to meet for the first time. It was Friday evening and Levi had booked a hotel room for the whole weekend. Eren wouldn't admit it, but he was incredibly nervous... and excited. Probably more excited than nervous, but still, incredibly nervous. He almost couldn't believe that in less than an hour Levi would arrive at the very airport of his hometown. But before that he had something to do that he looked much less forward to: he had to somehow inform his room mate Armin of that he wouldn't be sleeping in the dorm tonight. He still didn't know anything about Eren's newfound obsession called Levi although he definitely knew that something was going on. He wasn't easy to fool, that kid. Eren wasn't so social that one wouldn't find it weird for him to be out all night... and possibly the whole weekend. So he needed to give Armin some sort of heads up just so that he wouldn't worry that something had happened. But Eren had never been good at this stuff and so he had procrastinated telling him until last minute. Armin had already left for his work shift so the only option left was to text him.

077-1103 XXXX


Just so you know you worrywart, I'll likely spend most of the weekend with a friend. Will not sleep at the dorm tonight.

Wait what, this sounds like a story I can't wait to hear!

Eren didn't know what to reply to that, at least not without revealing too much, so he decided to just ignore his comment. Procrastinating the problem again, typical him. This weekend would probably determine what might become of this new relationship, and Eren hated to give bad news - or more specifically, he hated it when people were feeling sorry for him. He had been like this ever since his mother passed away and his father left. So many people to explain to and so many eyes full of pity, everywhere... So he had just ended up in this way; rarely talking about himself and not even to his close friends. He was since way back sick and tired of living in grief and a victim was the last thing he wanted to associate himself with. And even getting dumped was something he didn't want to tell anyone about.

Eren pocketed his phone and started packing a few things in a backpack. Some clothes, toothbrush, his card case with his credit card, bus card and ID, his charger, a bottle of lube, his dildo and a few condoms (better come prepared) and finally his camera. He liked to always bring his camera with him because who knew when an inspiring motive would suddenly show up. When he was satisfied it was still half an hour left before the plane would land. It was a really nice day and the summer sun had just started to set, so he decided that rather than just pacing around at home and then taking a bus, he could just as well walk there.

Twenty minutes later he had arrived just outside the airport. He stood in the low set sun and snapped a photo of himself doing the peace sign in front of the entrance and sent it to Levi. He wouldn't be able to see it yet since they were still in the air, but you know, just for picture proof of him being there early. He went inside and checked the "incoming flights" board for at which gate he should wait. 

A few minutes of nervous thumb twiddling later he was able to see Levi's plane coming into view. Oh god, it's finally time! Eren thought excitedly. He quickly checked his reflection in the dark phone screen just to check that he didn't have anything on his teeth or something like that and then took his stuff and went to stand in front of the gate.

They had video chatted a few times by now, sometimes just to chat randomly... He just really liked to see his face, which he also had admitted to. So he expected that he would be able to recognize the man easily, but as the horde of passengers started to hurry out through the gate he looked between the unfamiliar faces but without any luck for a few moments. It wasn't until they had started to scatter that he suddenly saw the familiar face appear behind someone's back. Oh lord, he's short, he thought and smiled broadly. That was surprisingly cute somehow.

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