The funeral

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Niall P.O.V

This was the time, i walked slowly holding Posey with one arm and holding Clyde's hand with the other. I walked the narrow pathway to set in the front with the guys. The mahogany casket was large compared to Addison you could even see her over the edge unless standing close.

Before the funeral started everyone walked up to pay there respects they all walked in a line bowing there head as they looked at the casket. I was the last one to go to the casket. So I handed Posey over to Louis as i just felt she didn't need to see we was only a couple days old.

I took Clyde on my hip walking up to the casket as the lump in my throat grew as i held the tears. I looked at the pale lifeless corpse as the tears stride down my face."Goodbye beautiful." i whispered wiping my eyes on the sleeve of my tux.

"Goodbye? Where is mommy going?" Clyde asked causing the lump to swell up making me not able to talk.

"Well Clyde, Mommy is going on a trip. This is her party to go away. She is asleep right now cause this trip will take a really long time to get there. But Mommy can still hear you so tell her goodbye because you wont be able to see her for a long time. But i want you to always remember that even when you miss Mommy she will alway be there even if you cant see her." I cryed. Clyde leaned down and kissed addison ever so lightly on the forehead and looked at me putting a finger over my sobbing lips .

"Shh. Mommys sleeping." he said then whispered "Bye Mommy I will always love you!"


This is it final chapter if this book!! cryed writing it.

Please comment you favorite oart if this whole book

Should i write a sequal in clydes POV like growing up with the boys!! Comment!!!

but ummm sorry for not writing for ever i fell in to a really bad time and was self harming and starving my self but im getting better i think.

Lots if love!! ❤️

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