part 14

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Addison P.O.V

I woke up wuth the empty bed next to me. I sat up hopeing to see Niall somewhere.  Rubbing away the sleep, I looked for Niall in the bathroom.

I had let my mind fall away from the subject. Maybe it was all just a dream. Niall Horan wouldn't ever fall for me, unless in a dream.

I walked out in the living room. I smelt burnt toast and eggs. I walked  the kitchen to see a plate of scrambled eggs and burnt toast.

Sitting at the table. I pushed the eggs in my mouth and tosed the toast in the garbage. I caught a glimps in the living room. There on the coffee table sat the red cup with a single whit flower.

"It wasn't a dream." I said, I grabbed the rose and took the stong sent in my nose.

I grabbed my laptop, and did my schooling. Since my accident, my teachers let me do online college.

Which I enjoy. I dont have to go to go to school.

I finished my work.and went to.shower. I grabbed a tight pink under shirt and a lose flowy white tank top. I grabbed skinny jeans and fresh underwear. I let them set on my dresser.

I showered washed my whole body. amd hair. I shaved my legs and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and let my wet hair fall.

I walked into room and pulled on my clothes and tied my hair in a pony tail. I walked into the living room to.just see someone's feet dangling off my couch.

"Why are you in my house?" I yelled. I said running into the kitchen.

"Because I can be." The sweet irish accent purred into my ears. I walked in and sat on th couch an he layed his head on my lap. I started to pet his soft blonde hair, he had no productin it, which made it feel softer.

"I thought it was all a dream." I said. Niall looked at me like confused. "You and me."

"No, why would you think that silly?" he asked looking right in my eyes. he really knew how to make my heart race a million times a minute.

"I woke up without you being next to me. " I said rubbing his chin. thete was a little stubble.

"I had to go home, I left you a text, didn't you get it?" he asked taking my hands and lacing our fingers.

"Oh, I haven't even looked at my phone."I laughed feeling dumb.

"I told you you were silly." he said pulling my headto his and kisding my lips his lips were sweet kinda like sugar or maple syrup.

"Did you eat pancakes?"I whispered onto his lips.

"Waffles." he smiled and pressed his lips to mine again

"Did you eat my ego waffles?" I asked, hold his face close to mine.

" yes, yes I did." he said leaning up closer to me.

"Never, ever, touch my eggos!" I said trying to stay serious. I failed miserably, I laughed and Niall sat up and pulled me on his lap.

"If I want to I will!" Niall joked. His hands went to my sides and started to tickle me.

"Stop please!" I yelled trying to.pry away his hands.

"Never!" he yelled tickleing me harder.

"Niall.m, please your makring my sides hurt." I complained hopeing he would stop.

"Tell me you love me!" He yelled. I grabved his hsnds to stry to make him stiop but he tickled me more."tell me!" he laughed.

"I love you." He stoped ,our breath was heavy.

"I love you too."I rested my forehead on his and stared into his eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful!" I smiled. I layed with my legs staddleing him his hands wrapped around my lower waist.

" Your beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. " he smiled and kissed my forehead.

I stood from the couch and niall followed close behind me his hands were holding mine makeing me move whatever way he wanted me to.

"Your a beautiful ballerina!" he said holding up my arm and letting me twirl.

"Now salsa dancing" I laughed and rabbed a rose from a vase. Niall was surprising good at salsa.

"Tango! I! I! I!" niall yelled and stared moving his hips side to side

"Your a good dancer." I said. Niall was pretty tired. He took a bottle of water from the fride and drank it straight down not leaveing a drip left."Thirsty?"

"Yelp" he smiled and poped the'p'.

I smiled and sat at the table with Niall.

"Tomorrow, I'm goint to take you to meet the guys." Niall smiled. inside I.was fangirling I was dateing niall.and now I meet to meet the boys.

"Okay" play it cool! play it cool!

"Dont fall for there charm though, your mine!" he laughed. I will try not to.

"I won't I promise, Your the One Direction boy for me!" I smiled leaning over the table and kissing him.


Updated, I have procrastinated so much to write this chapter. but guess what. This book is slowly comeing to an end but im.going to start a new on called Mr.BadBoy its a Zayn Malik fan fic. I have chapter one wrote. but I'm going to wait a bit to publish it.

I love you all:) so tired. I'm going to bed after this post. good night.

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