Part 10

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Niall P.O.V

I walked off the plane. I grabbed my bags and went to the car. I was qaiting for what seemed like hours. Waiting for the boys to get in the car.

Finally I made it, mafe it home I ditched my stuff in my room and ran out the door. I ran to Starbucks, maybe she would be there.

She wasn't, I remembered that she talked about her being im the hospital. "Where is the nearest hospital?" I asked the cashier.

"Big Ben hospital" the guy said. I ran though the door and started looking for the Hospital. I ran to the hospital. It was the same one harry went to when he cut his hand with a knife.

I ran though the doors there was a eoman at the front desk."Where is Addison Walters?"I asked. She  startex taping the keys to her computer.

"Room 18B floor 65"

"Thank you!" I yelled I ran to the elevator. I pressed the floor and rode up. 

I sat in the elevator for 5 minutes I arrived on the floor. I walked though the halls looking for the room. 

I walked in her room she was sleeping in the bed. I grabbed her hand and led it I woshed her eyes would open to show her eyes. I sat in her room for hours talking to her telling her everything apologizing for all I did wrong. I want her to hear me. I hope she can.

"Visiting hours are over." said the lady. I looked at Addison on last time. I leaned over and kissed her forehead.  I walled out of the room and started to walk home.  I hope she remembers something of our talk.

Addison P.O.V

Day later

I  woke up to the bright light of the hospital room. I looked at my arms, they were starting to heal there were deep scabs and stiches were in a few.

For some reason I had a dream I was talking to Niall from One Direction. I guess seeing him one you get hallucinations.

"How are you feeling?" asked some man. I asume he is a doctor.

"Fine thanks and you?" I asked Inot really caring.

"Were going to let you go home today." he cheered.

"Okay." I said.without any emotion. I did not care to syay or go.

"Well thw nurse will give you your prescriptions and then your free to go. we gave you antidepresson pills." he said.

Great happy Pills! Whoot Whoot! I taste sarcasm.

I got my happy pills. and was sent on my way. I had to ride in a taxi to get home or else they refused to let me leave.

I got out of the taxi and payed the Driver. I pushed one of the pills in my pocket and put the rest in my mail box. I walked to Starbucks.

Starbucks, The home of coffee. I walked in and up to the cashier."Hello, May I help you." said the cashier. He is the American cashier. I wonder if he really is the American.

"I would like a ... You know what give me your favorite." I laughed, I kinda loopy from whatever they had in that I.V.

"Are you sure I like the plain black coffee miss." The guy said.

"Then give me the plain black

coffee." I smiled leaning on the counter top.

"If you say so." he smiled handing me the cup.

" I have a question?" I said.


"Are you American?"

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