(23) I think i'm going into labor

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"Brandon?!" I called out as loud as I could as my water broke.

"Yes babe?" Brandon said as he came out of our bedroom in uniform.

Water dripped down my leg.

"I think I'm going into labor!" I yelled. He ran back to the room and got the baby bag.

"Your only 8 1/2 months along." He said as he picked me up and brought me to the car.

Brandon got in and drove as fast as he can to the hospital. He held my hand, while has one hand on the steering wheel.

"Just breathe." He continued speaking.

"I'm trying to." I said as I breathed in and out.

But it just wasn't working. Tears ran down my face. We got to the hospital and he parked in emergency. He helped me out of the car, and into a wheelchair.

"Are you the husband?" The nurse said as she pushed me down the hall.


"Do you want him in the room Mrs.Reagan?"

"Yes yes I do."

She nodded as she made a turn and brought me into a room. Another nurse cane into the room.

"I'm nurse Brianna and this is nurse Gabbie, Dr Menudos will come in soon." The one nurse said as she shut the blinds.

She helped me get out of my pants and shirt and she slipped a grown over me.

She helped me into bed, as the other nurse let me lean on her for support.

• • •

"She's so beautiful." I said to Brandon as I held her.

"She really is, she has your nose." He kissed my head.

"I love you so much Brandon."

"Oh hun. I love you so much to more then you'll ever know. I'm super glad I met you."

"Me too." Brandon sat next to me on the hospital bed.

"What should we name her?"

"Josephine Reagan Casey." He said smiling.

"I love it, it's such a beautiful name." He nodded in agreement. I handed him our beautiful baby girl.

"Our family is complete."

"It is." He pecked me on the lips.

I couldn't be more happier.

Dear Diary,
        Although my life has been stressful this pass year and a half, I will have to say that good things did come. I got married to Brandon at the end of the year, and I official became Katelyn Reagan Casey. Our baby is official 1 year old, I take care of our kid but I also work. Me and Brandon ended up trying for another kid, and we got pregnant again! Which I'm super excited for. I kinda feel like this time it will be a boy. A baby boy would be nice, cause Brandon would be able to do a lot with him and teach him a lot. I can't wait to see what the future holds...Well it's been an exciting year. See you soon.
  Xoxo, Katelyn Reagan Casey

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