(15) Love?

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"Stop it!" I died in laugher as me and my 3 friends walked down Times Square drunk.

How did we get into a bar? Simple with our fake ids we have.

I know 17 we shouldn't be drinking.

"Your dad is going to kill us for getting drunk." My best friend Aly managed to say slurping on her worlds.

I giggled. "What he doesn't know won't kill him."

"Yah!" My other best friend Nick said as he picked me up and threw me on his shoulders and started running.

My other best friend Mikey picked up Aly and started running also.

I laughed the hardest. Being drunk does something else to me.

He ran across the streets of New York City not caring if they were green.

Nick tripped over something and I felt us going down. I skidded across the concrete ripping my knee open.

I had a short skirt on so nothing was blocking. I heard sirens come down the block. "I hope they are not for us." I prayed.

Nick extended his hand out I gladly took it as he pulled me up. "Your bleeding." He slurred his words.

"I'm fine."

He nodded and police Officer, stopped their car and got out walking to us.

"Hello Miss's and Sir, I'm Officer Johnson and this is my partner Officer Winston we are from the NYCPD is there any reason you guys are running across the street."

"No of-" I hiccuped "Officer." He looked at me, then my friends flashing a light on us.

He looked in my eyes. "Can I have you walk in a straight line miss?"

"Uh huh." I tried walking in a straight line but instead I fell on my ass. I started laughing.

"Can I see your ID please?"

I took out my Id and handed it to him.

He took one look at it, then back at me.

"Miss Katelyn Warren your under arrest for underage drinking, please put your hands behind your back." I hand my moms last name on my ID not Reagan.

The officer handcuffed me, while the others were already in the car.

He put me in a car, and I leaned my head on Nicks shoulder.

"Katelyn? Are we in trouble?" Nick whispered so they couldn't hear us.

"I don't think so."

• • •

"Alright this is Miss, Katelyn Warren and all her belongs." My hands were cuffed behind my back but I wasn't that drunk anymore.

I wasn't sober either.

He put my stuff along with my wallet on the table. He looked through it and took out my police cards that only some people get.

"We have a problem." Officer Johnson said.

"What is it?" He showed the Officer at the desk the cards.

"She has a police commissioner card and a police officers card 4 in total."

"Bring her to my Officer." He nodded and brought me into the office un handcuffing me.

"Who do you want me to call?" I sat down on the chair.

I cant call my dad, or grandpa, Danny is older then me he's 25 and a cop.

"Daniel Reagan." He nodded and left.

Around an 1 hour later Danny walked into the room.

"Katelyn Elizabeth Reagan?! What in the name of god are you doing out at 1:30 in the morning drinking underage?!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry." I threw my hands up into defenses.

"That's all you can say?! Young lady you got some explaining to do!" He turned and faced the officer. "Thank you."

"No problem Danny." They shook hands and Danny started dragging me out by my hair. I didn't yelp in pain.

I deserve this. Once he stoped pulling my hair, I rubbed my hair and got into the car.

"You lucky I didn't tell dad."

"I'm sorry."

"Your never sorry that's the problem." He shook his head. I looked down in shame as he drove.

He's right I'm never sorry.

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