(6) I didn't mean for it to happen

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The night of Joe's Death at the hospital

The doctor finally came up to us 4 hours later and I knew that it wasn't going to be good news.

I could tell by the look on his face.

"I'm so sorry for your lost. Unfortunately we couldn't stop the bleeding."

Everyone face dropped.

Jamie pulled me into a hug and I sobbed on his shoulder.

Danny and Erin were crying.

So were the kids and, Linda was crying.

Everyone was crying hard. Even dad and Pops.

I think I was crying the hardest.

I just couldn't breathe. It was like my breath was stopping.

I pulled away from Jamie, I grabbed my uniform and gun belt and ran out of the hospital sobbing.

How?! How could he been gone! It's my fault!

Brandon stopped me from running.

"Katelyn what happened?"

"Joe—he didn't make it. He didn't make it!" I started to fall to my knees but before I could he caught me. "I couldn't stop it! I couldn't stop it."

"I didn't mean for it to happen I didn't mean for it to happen!" I yelled sobbing.

"Shhhh Love, it's okay. It's all going to be okay."

"It won't!" I exploded. "Joe is gone and it's my fault! I knew what-" I stopped, I couldn't say it.

"You knew what?"

"Nothing nothing." I stayed in his arms. I was to weak to move.

He rubbed my back. Drawing circles.

"Take me away from everything please."

"Running from you problems won't solve anything, trust me I know."

"You do?" I looked up at him.

"I do. When I was 18 years old, my parents they got a divorce. My mom soon turned into a drug addict. I told her if she didn't get better or get help I would leave her. She didn't get the help she needed to so I left. I moved in with my dad and his new wife. I ran away from my problems. Soon my mom got better. She sent me a letter telling me she got better so she could see me grow up into my career, and to see me get married and to have kids with my lovely wife. She got better for me because she knew I needed a mom. But I didn't help her get better cause I ran away from my problems. Did that solve anything? No it left my mom alone for the long run. If I could turn back time and have helped her I would. Don't run away from your problems cause you'll regret it in the long end. Be a better person then I could have growing up. Don't be scared of your problems."

"I'm so sorry Brandon."

"Don't be cause it's in the pass. The pass isn't tomorrow love. Tomorrow is the future."

He kissed my head which caused me to smile.

I wish he could just been mine.

Present time

I held roses and cigars in my hand for my dad, as I stood on his porch.

I'm nervous because I've been avoiding my family.

Which has been wrong of me.

As someone told me before, running away from my problems don't do anything.

I walked inside and shut the door.

I felt weird coming in after everything happened.

"Sweetie?" Dad said as I walked into the living room.

"Hi, daddy." I placed the stuff for him on the coffee table, as I sat down across for him.

"This is a lovely visit, I'm happy you decided to come after 2 days."

"I wasn't going to come, but someone told me there's no point running away from my problems...which I have been doing. I guess I was upset." I said as I was playing with the end of my sweater. "I wasn't telling you the truth. I just wasn't been honest, I started lying cause it was the most easiest thing to do then having to face reality and then once you took me out of work, I took all my anger out on you because work is my life basically. I shouldn't have done what I done, it wasn't right of me. I'm so sorry I lied to you a lot growing up I shouldn't have done it. I just shouldn't have done it." It was like I wanted to cry.

But I couldn't because I don't have any tears left to cry after crying so much.

"I understand." He places his hand on top of mine. "We all act differently once we lost people important to us. We lost mom almost 10 years ago, and now we lost Joe."

I smiled, and nodded a bit.

"I also know how much it hurts to talk about him since he was your twin, and I know you all told each other all you secrets."


"Daddy, I'll be fine. I'm alright now, I just needed time to think and, get my mind straight and clear."

"I know you did."

I yawned, since it was 10 at night.

"I should get going."

"No no, stay here. You can sleep in your room."

"Alright." I got up and kissed my dads cheek.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too sweetie." I walked up to my room and realized how much it never changed.

Joe's stuff in half of his side and mine on the other half.

Oh how nothing will change.

Don't forget about me (Blue Blood FanFic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now