(11) Hold on

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I woke up to a humming nose.

My head was pounding I just wanted the noise to stop.

I adjusted my eyes to a light blue wall.

"Mhm." I groaned. I wanted to close my eyes but I kept them open.

"Miss.Winston, we are glad to see you're awake how are you feeling?" The doctor asked me.

"Huh? How did I get here?"

My alias name, thank god.

Thank god they found my alias name Brooklyn Winston instead of Katelyn Reagan.

"You don't remember?" I shook my head. "Can you tell me your name?" He said as he flashed a light inside my eyes.

"Kate- I mean Brooklyn, Brooklyn Winston."

"Are you sure about that?"


I confused myself major time.

"Alright, Miss.Winston would you like your parents to come into the room?"

"My-my parents?" I chocked out.

"Yes, your parents." Shit I forgot.

I have alias parents. I had them for 5 years, since I've been on the job.

My "mom" and "dad" walked into the room.

"Honey?! Are you okay, sweetie?" My "mom" said as she kissed my head.

"I'll leave you guys alone, I'll come back in 5 minutes."

"Thank you doctor." My "dad" said as the doctor walked out.

"Katelyn, we came here as soon as we could. What happened?" My "mom" said.

"I don't know, it's all blurry, thank you for coming though I appreciate it."

"Your welcome, beside you are like the daughter we never had." "Dad" said.

I smiled a bit, even though I was in pain.

"You got some cut." "Dad" touched my head and I winched in pain. "Sorry."

"It's okay. So where am I?"

"Oh sweetie, you're at the hospital in New Jersey."

"New Jersey?! What?! How?! Please don't tell me you told my dad." Tears fell down my face.

My "dad" wiped them away with his thumb.

"No no, we didn't tell your dad, we want you to tell him yourself when we get back to New York, and your memory will come back soon I promise." "Mom" hugged me and I just felt safe.

The doctor came back in the room, with paper.

"You can sign her out when your ready. Just remember no working, rest and take the pain medicine cause your head will be in pain for a while."

"Thank you Doctor." He smiled and walked out with my "parents."

I got up and changed out of my doctors clothes into my normal clothes.

I took my gun and slipped my gun belt back on.

I walked out side with them, and slid in the back of the car.

"Go to sleep honey we have a long ride ahead of us, since we will probably get stuck in traffic."

I nodded my head, and closed my eyes.

• • •

3 hours later
"Thank you both for everything." I hugged both of them.

"Always, I love you sweetie." My "mom" said as she kissed my head.

"I love you too "mom" bye "daddy." He kissed my head too making me slime.

"Call us soon please." He said as they both got into the car.

"I will, I promise." I watched them drive off.

It was already Sunday night.

Wow, I've must have been out of it.

I walked into my dads house.

I slowly shut the door. I was embarrassed and ashamed.

"Dad come down." I heard Erin say to dad, footsteps paced back and forth.

"No call, no text." Dad said.

"I know she's okay, she has to be." I slowly hung up my coat and walked into the living room.

Everyone looked up.

My older brother Danny embraced me in a hug. "I thought we lost you like we lost mom and Joe."

I rubbed his back. "No." My voiced cracked. "Never, I'm okay."

We broke away from the hug and he looked at me.

"Oh Katelyn, what happened to your face." He said calmly, but I saw the rage in his eyes.

I sat down on the couch. "I honestly don't remember." I yawned.

The pain medication was making me tired.

"Daddy, can I just go to bed?"

"Sure you can sweetie." He kissed my head. "We will talk about this tomorrow morning."

"Night Katelyn." The rest said at the same time.

"Night." I whispered as I walked upstairs to my bed room.

I laid in bed without even changing.

Don't forget about me (Blue Blood FanFic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now