(4) It's like screaming and nobody can hear me

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4 years ago

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran from my abusive boyfriend Jake trying to get away from him.

"Get back here you little whore!" He yelled as he grabbed the back of my hair pulling me back.

I let out a scream and as I fell to the ground.

Jake started kicking me, and slapping me.

The tears came down my face as I sobbed and sobbed.

"What did I say about disrespecting me?! And making me look bad in front of my friends!"

"Not to do it!" I yelled as he wrapped his hands around my neck.

I started chocking as he pushed me against the wall, letting me feet dangle.

"J-Jake Stopped!" I managed to choke out.

"Say you won't do it again, say you'll respect me. Come on say it!"

"I won't do it again—" I chocked out. "I will respect you I'm sorry!"

"Good girl." He removed his hands from my throat and dropped me to the ground.

I coughed and started breathing hard.

I watched as Jake left and walked out of our apartment leaving me breathless.

Blood dripped down my face, staining my face and the floor.

Why me? I sobbed.

Someone was knocking at my apartment door.

Maybe if I ignore it they will go away.

They knocked again.

Why can't they just leave me alone?!

The knocking stopped and I was relieved.

My phone started ringing. I looked at the called ID, and it was Joe.

"Katelyn? Are you home?" Worries came from his voice.

"Please can you call back later?." I wiped my tears and stopped sobbing.

"Are you okay? You missed family dinner. That isn't like you."

"Yes I'm okay." I lied to him, not only to him but I lied to me, I wasn't okay.

"Are you sure your okay?" Joe asked again.

I can lie or tell the truth.

Lie? Truth?

Lie. Lie. Lie.

"Yes I'm alright."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow at work. Night love you little sister."

"Love you to Joe." I hung up the phone and stay laying on the ground.

Present time

I sat outside of my apartment. Drinking coffee, and playing with my hair.

Memories of Jake and I started to flow back in my head.

All the horrible ones...

Messing with my brain, wanting to me to have a mental down.

Police cars flew down my block, and I watched as they did.

Wishing I could be back in a police car.

Soon hopefully.

My phone started to vibrate.

I looked at the caller ID and it was my dad calling me.

I clicked decline flipping my phone back over.

I haven't talked to my dad since yesterday when everything happened.

I watched as the rain come down and hit the ground.

It's so peaceful.

It's just like my mood. Sad and gloomy.

My phone went out again and again.

Beep after beep.

I picked it up and looked.

"Hey sis you coming to dinner?" From Danny.

"I know you and dad have beef right now, but please come to dinner don't miss it cause of a fight." From Erin.

"Come to dinner, don't want you missing it. Forget about the fight, forget about all the bad stuff for once." From Jamie.

I sighed as I read all, I wasn't even going to bother to responding to them.

I got up and walked into my apartment shutting my door.

I wanted to scream right there.

"It's like I'm screaming and nobody can hear me! Can't you hear me!"

I'm going insane not being able to work.

It sucks major time.

My work is my life, it's my entire life and it can't just get taken away from me just like that.

It just can't be taken away like that...

Don't forget about me (Blue Blood FanFic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now