(22) Roses are Red, Violets are blue

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I've been on "Suicide Watch" which consisted of not being aloud to go out. Having someone watch me 24/7

If it wasn't Brandon worrying about me then it was my dad or someone in my family.

I had worse days, but today was actually pretty good, considering the circumstances.

I laughed as I was able to get to spend some time with Jamie.

He took of of work just to spend time with me.

Jamie decided to bring me out to a nice restaurant I said no but Jamie doesn't take a no for an answer.

"Remember the time me and Joe decided to steal your favorite pen and you thought the kid next to you did it and you slapped him." Jamie laughed. "I never seen someone so scared of you."

"Stop." I laughed as I ate my food. "Imma piss myself. I really thought he did it. Can you blame me? He was right next to me." I laughed.

I wiped my mouth, as I drank some water.

"Or the time we cheated on the test, and when the teacher found out she called mom and mom wasn't surprised because all of 3 of us were so close." I laughed.

"I remember that day, she dragged me and Joe by our ears and you by your hair." I laughed.

"Oh! And dad how frustrated he was at us, and we got a long talk about how cheating isn't right." I said

We both laughed.

"I miss those days." Jamie said as he paid the bill, I nodded in agreement.

He extended his hand and I gladly took it and he pulled me up. I slipped my coat on and we started walking home.

"Thank you Jamie." I said smiling. "I really needed this day."

"I know you did sis." He said as he side hugged me as we were walking.

It's a nice day to walk.

"So how are you feeling overall?" He asked. "And I want the honest truth."

"I honestly feel really well, taking my pills for depression really helped. I don't know what happened to me with everything that happened so quick I must have fell into my depression again and I didn't even realize it, and then I was overwhelmed because I'm pregnant, and I'm engaged and I just got transferred to a SVU Detective."

"That's amazing sis!"

"Thank you Jamie." I put my hand on my stomach as I felt my baby kick.

I stoped waking to take a break. I need to take a few breathers.

"You Okay?" Jamie asked as he looked at me.

"Yes." I smiled. "Everything to perfect, beyond perfect."

I took Jamie's hand as he extended it. I held onto his hand, as we walked.


"Now the past can hurt, but you can either run from it or hide from it." Joe said as he brought me into a long hug. "There are going to be times in your life where you are going to fall up and down. Times where you think that you failed everyone. Your going to doubt yourself until you do something and tell yourself that you are perfect. You are perfect in so many ways and never tell yourself that you aren't." Joe said as he cupped my cheeks. "You Katelyn Elizabeth Reagan are something special, my special twin sister. There's going to be a time when I'm not going to be here for you, but you have to remember that I'll be in your heart and whatever your feeling you need to speak out cause as long as you don't your going to be depressed your whole life. You have a family that cares so much, your my twin I know what you I think. Think positive we are only 18 we still got a long life ahead of us."

"You always know the right thing to say don't you?" I smiled.

"I love you twin sister."

"I love you to twin brother." I said as we hugged again.

Don't forget about me (Blue Blood FanFic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now