(1) Don't forget about me

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It's been a long and hard stressful day in New York City.

A lot of Police calls we had to attend to that was either a joke or nothing that was serious.

I've been a police officer since I was 22.

5 years later and I don't wanna move up.

I don't wanna be a detective nor a sergeant.

I just wanna be me Officer Katelyn Reagan.

I just wanna stay working with my lovely partner Brandon Casey.

Who I'm madly in love with..but I know that we will never be anything.

"Still working?" My brother Danny said as he touched my shoulder making me jump.

"Yeah.." I sighed sadly. "Got to do something to get the death of Joe out of my mind..."

Joe was my twin brother...my best friend...and someone who understood me.

But now he's just gone like that...

"Come on let's get you home, you need some sleep." He started taking my stuff.

"No." I mumbled, getting back to paper work. "I can't go home."

He shook his head and looked at me. "You've been working since your shift ended 5 hours ago. Come home to family dinner."

"I can't!" I yelled. It was fine yelling because it was only me and 3 other officers.

"Why me?" He looked at me seriously because I just yelled at him.

"Joe...Joe isn't going to be there, I can't sit though a dinner...I just need to get through the funeral tomorrow and I'll be fine." I faked a smile. "I'll be fine.." I repeated.

"Please..come back home. Kate come back to my house at least, sleep in the extra bedroom we have okay?" He asked extending his arm.

"I-Okay." I said taking his arm and walking out with him.

Even though I didn't want to, I did it cause I don't want him telling dad.

"You have to move on, Joe he would have wanted that." He said as we both got into the car.

"You don't know what he would have wanted." I slipped on my seat belt.

"And you would?!" He said yelling as he started driving.

"I was his twin, he did everything together! Everything! He was there for my first break up, there when my boyfriend abused me! And he was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on when mom passed! So don't say I don't know!" I yelled.

"Kate-" I cut him off.

"Don't say that you didn't know, don't say your sorry."

I got out of the car at a red light and walked onto the side walk.

"Katelyn!" Danny yelled after me but I kept on walking.

I started walking to  Brandon's apartment so I could be with him.

Someone who will let me cry on his shoulder.

Joe can't be gone...

I hope that I wake up tomorrow and this is a dream.

• • •

I ran up the stairs and knocked on Brandon's door hoping that he was home.

Tears ran down my face.

I looked a mess.

Brandon opened the door and looked at me, he took one look and pulled me inside shutting the door.

"Katelyn? Oh my Katelyn, hun are you okay?"

"It's his death I can't take it! I can't!" I sobbed.

Brandon pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"I know how much he means to you, I really do. It really does suck I know."

"Will the pain go away?" I said while looking at him.

"Soon it will. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But one day the pain will go away. You'll never forget him cause he'll be in your heart." Brandon took my hand and placed it over my heart. "Here. Joe will always be right here no matter what."

I smiled a bit and wiped my tears.

"It still hurts though. It feels..as like someone stabbed me."

"I know it feels like that but it's all normal, it's normal to feel like that when you lose someone important to you."

I nodded and laid down on the couch. "Can I stay here?"

I pulled the blanket on top of me and snuggled up the the blanket.

There's no other place I rather be right now.

"Yes you can. Sleep tight hun." Brandon said as he kissed me forehead.

He shut off the lights and I watched him disappear into his room.

I closed my eyes and started to think about all the good times that will come to me.

Don't forget about me (Blue Blood FanFic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now