It's Not.. Stalking.. (Info Chan)

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mmmm info baby girl
i once read nsfw for her and now she's forever the pussy magnet
requested! thank u!

"Yooo, Infoooo, you need any deets on that new kid?" Ayano strolled into the Info Clubroom, walking up to the girl in front of multiple screens.

"New kid?"

"Yeah. New girl, she's in my class." She shrugged. "Harmless, though. She's nice."

"What's her name?" Info asked, spinning in her swivel chair.

"Y/N L/N.. I think?"

"Ah. I know her, we were childhood friends." Trying her best to keep composure, the red head typed her name into her computer. "Yeah, Y/N L/N. Class 2-1, crush: no one, no club.."

"Yeah, I know. Saw her hanging around the back of the school by Asu. Maybe that's where she normally is? Not sure." Ayano shrugged, pulling her phone out and typing the information down.

"Mm. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. Need anything before you leave?"

"Nah, just thought you should know anything about her." Info nodded, swatting the girl away.

"'Kay, see ya Infooo."


Info glanced outside the window, parting the curtains slightly. She squinted her eyes, watching Y/N walk to Asu.

"What is she up to.." She mumbled to herself, quickly typing on her keyboard.


"I thought she moved away.." Info whispered, deep in thought.

With some following research, she got access to Y/N's phone number. This wasn't a bad idea, right? She's just text her saying it's her and they'd be friends.

But no.. that's too creepy. Info would be accused as a stalker by Y/N. Anonymous it was..

Info: Hey.

Somehow, the journalist struggled to press send. She was always so uptight, what was up with her?

Info watched through the window as she saw Y/N's rough figure pull her phone from her pocket, probably from her text.

Just as she expected, Info's phone buzzed, a new message from Y/N.

Y/N: do i know you?

Info: Sort of.
Sorry if this is creepy, I just can't come up to you face to face.

Y/N: well of course you can!
i can handle awkward situations

Info: I know.
Sorry- that also sounded creepy. I just. I can't actually come up to you.

Y/N: thats okay, i guess
i'm guessing you go to akademi?

Info: Yeah

Y/N: then of course you can come up to me!
don't be shy i don't bite :)

Info smiled, laughing quietly.

Info: Haha, I'm sure you don't

Y/N: could i get a name?
maybe i can come up to you!

She bit her lip, knotting her eyebrows.

Info: Just.. call me Info

Y/N: cool cool
you smart? must be if that's your name aha

Info: One would say.
I'm smart enough to go to Akademi, aren't I?

Y/N: well clearly aha
i've gotta head to class, sure you do to
i'll talk to you later info!

Info: Yeah, talk to you soon.

Shutting her phone off, Info sighed heavily. Her heart pounded from inside her chest, breathless. Why was Y/N making her feel this way?


It had probably been a couple weeks since the two were talking. Info's feelings grew bigger, and her yearn to hug Y/N grew as well. She was always cooped up in a dark room, never to see Y/N. It hurt.

Info: Hey would you ever wanna meet up?

Y/N: meet up? yeah like how?

Info: Meet me under the cherry blossom behind the school at 6

Y/N: ok!!

This was really gonna happen. Info would confess.


"Info? Is that you?" Y/N called out, running up the hill. "Wow. Sorry- you're just. You're really pretty."

Info flushed. "Thanks.. you are as well. Listen- I need to tell you something."

"Sure, what's up?"

"I.. I really like you. We were friends as kids.. and- you moved away.. But I saw you recently and I couldn't stay quiet.." Info sighed.

"Wait.. I knew you looked familiar! Holy shit!" Y/N yelled, hugging Info tight. Her arms were wrapped around her neck, happiness beaming off of her. "I like you too, Info."

Without realizing it, the red head smiled. She smiled a genuine smile, a happy smile, a pleased smile. She was finally able to hug Y/N, hold her, maybe one day kiss her.

It was all going how she dreamed. And it was only the beginning.

infos a big dumb head ugh stomp on me legend

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