Chapter 29- Showdown (1/2)

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A/N: This is the first time I've written an action scene so it's probably not the best, but at least I tried lol. Also, I had to split this into 2 parts because it was way too long lol. Second half will be posted next week. <3


"I'm staying for a cup of tea, alright?" I asked, walking over to the kitchen. Jungkook silently nodded, before walking to the living-room. There was something off about his behavior as if he knew what was about to go down tonight, well, he wouldn't be wrong.

Tonight would determine our fates, along with which person would get to walk out the door the next morning. One or the other. Me or him.

Watching his back disappear in the doorway, I walked over to the hot water pot and picked it up before walking over to the kettle on the stove. I opened the lid of the teapot, filling it with hot water, then set it on a tray.

Reaching over I took a handful of Camila flowers before dropping them one by one into the teapot. Some landed on top of one another whereas others fell directly in the water, floating around until into it bumped into another and began its journey in the opposite direction.

I sighed, watching as two of the flowers drifted away from each other, the previous impact causing some of their petals to fall off.

It was a little disappointing how this fairy tale would end, was it really too much to ask for a happy ending?

Little did I know that Jungkook was sitting in the other room, with the back of his head leaned against the wall, thinking the same exact thing. "Is this truly how our story is going to end?"

Taking a small bag of white powder out of the pocket of my jacket, I dumped it out into the tea. Stirring the poison in, I set the two identical porcelain cups on the tray with the teapot.

Carefully balancing the tray in one hand, I walked over to the living-room setting it on the coffee table. Jungkook was slouched on the couch, appearing to be scrolling through his phone but I knew his attention was elsewhere.

His eyes were looking over the top of his phone, pinning a random spot in his field of vision. The air was slightly tense, sending a slight chill down my spill. No doubt about it, he found out somehow.

It was like I suddenly became more aware of everything around me. The soft humming of the air conditioner, the faint scent of Jungkook's cologne, and the smooth surface of the gun tucked behind my waist, ready to be used at any moment.

Even the sound of my own heartbeat could be heard in my ears, racing and pumping out large doses of adrenaline as if it could feel the end was drawing near.

I sat down next to Jungkook, allowing the large white couch to cushion around the shape of my body. A small smile fell over my face, tiny but still there, as I released a silent apology into the air for what I was about to do.

"Here," I said softly, reaching out to wrap my hands around the handle of the teapot but before I touched it Jungkook interrupted me.

"It's poisoned isn't it?" he asked, finally looking up from whatever he had been looking at to meet my gaze. My hand flinched away from the pot, slowly returning back to my side.

It was like the world stopped with his question, one that he already knew the answer to. My smile dropped as my eyes turned genuinely apologetic. There was no point of lying anymore with the truth already out. "Of course."

Jungkook sighed at my response almost as if he wished I had denied the answer. Less then a second later, guns appeared in our hands, both pointed at each other.

I blindly took a shot, diving at the ground and rolled behind the coffee table. The bullet was skillfully dodged by its target before he fired back at where I should've been behind the table.

Bullet to the Heart || Jeon Jungkookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن