Chapter 6- Time

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A/N: Sorry for the short length, this was just intended to be a filler chapter.

(Marina's POV while she was in her apartment)

I stormed into my apartment, in utter disbelief.

"What type of human freaking lives off of ramen and has a body like that?" I mused, still fuming. The reality of my words hit with an intense blush, before I slapped my cheeks. "What the heck is your mind crazing woman?"

Quietly chanting the word "target" under my breath, I walked to my closet and pulled out a basket to put food in.

"Hmm, I wonder what I should make? Lol, I've kinda been craving Chinese food," I laughed quietly to myself.

It only took a few minutes to find all of the necessary ingredients to make a simple fried rice with a couple of side dishes.

I was just about to leave until I realized that I left the salt and pepper behind.

Sighing, I reached over to the drawer on my right, accidentally bumping the hidden switch to my drug cabinet.

Rows upon rows of glowing vials appeared in the illuminated cabinet, startling me back into the unrelenting grasp of reality. "Right, my mission."

I glanced back at the cabinet with various drugs and poisons hidden there. Hesitating, I decided to grab the salt and pepper shakers in the next cabinet. After I had them securing in the basket, I glanced back at the deadly cabinet.

I hesitated, before hovering my hand over it.

Finally deciding on which poison would do the job best, I reached over carefully lifting the vial. The poison that was supposed to be in the small container was clear in color and completely odorless with the consistency of water.

In other words, it would've been undetectable.

"It looks like I'm out," I thought, as I set the vial back in place. I closed the cabinet again, completely ignoring the full vial of the said poison behind the empty one.

"I still have plenty of time right?"

Bullet to the Heart || Jeon Jungkookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن