Chapter 24.66- Twice (2/2)

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A/N: I'm so sorry for keeping everyone waiting. Exams are this week and to say that my schedule is a mess is an understatement. To everyone who is in the same predicament as me, good luck on your tests! <3

Also Tzuyu isn't in this story (yet), which is why she isn't in the photo above hehe.


"If they know then we have to approach this cautiously," stated Jihyo calmly.

She's been working to calm down her members, who were all internally fretting over their maknae.

"The second we reveal that we know that they know everything will twist downhill, we have to approach this logically," Momo stated, finishing Jihyo's thought.

The other girls nodded their heads in agreement, understanding the thought process. Dahyun and Sana exchanged nervous glances as Mina nibbled gently on her lip internally screaming.

It was clear that everyone in the room was extremely nervous, all professionalism thrown out of the window as it was replaced by raw emotion.

Twice may be a group of assassins but together they were more of a family, professions set aside. They worked together, smiled together, and lived out their lives together as non-blood related sisters.

So the fact that one of their family members was in immediate danger made all of their hearts clench in pain and worry.

Jeongyeon lifted her head solemnly, locking gazing with all of her members. "We need someone to go to Marina."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before someone quickly volunteered. "I'll go."

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