Chapter 1- New Mission

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A/N: Marina takes Tzuyu's place in the group, so basically she isn't present in this AU yet. Also, the Jinyoung mentioned in this Chapter is the head of JYP, not Got7's Jinyoung.


"Mission accomplished," announced Marina into the hidden microphone implanted in her earing.

"Good job agent Sylvi," her manager replied. Sylvi was Marina's codename on the field, which was also short for her middle name. She was part of a division called Twice, whose signature was shooting their main target twice, once in the head and once in the heart.

Twice worked under JYP, one of the largest companies of this profession around. Of course, there were also other secret assassination organizations, with Big Hit being JYP's biggest enemy.

Twice and BTS were the most efficient group under their respectful companies, with their maknaes, Jungkook and Marina, being the 'aces' of their groups.

One day a major drug lord had held a meeting with another underground drug trade manager, so both of the companies had sent divisions of their own agents there to check it out.

Approximately 195 minutes later, an explosion went off in the basement where the boiler room was, killing everyone in the building.

Both Jyp and Big Hit had immediately suspected each other, knowing that both parties were present and undercover at the meeting point.

This is where it all began, with the weird shenanigans that lead Marina and Jungkook to each other, both physically and mentally.

(JYP Headquarters)

"We've found uncovered who Big Hit's ace is. He's a young man named Jeon Jungkook, who's in his twenties."

"And you want me to eliminate him."

"Precisely. We've been waiting for way too long avenge the deaths of our honored agents and this is the shot we've been waiting for to finally get back at Big Hit. I need you to put those skills of your to good use, sooner or later he will discover you and I can't afford to lose someone with your talent."

"Understood sir, I won't let you down."


Jinyoung turned around in his chair to look over the city from the giant window in the front of his office, concluding the meeting. Marina took that as her cue to leave, so she quietly exited her boss's office.

Once outside she released the breath she didn't know she was holding, relaxing her tense shoulder slightly so that her posture was still in place but less tense then it was before.

Even after 5 whole years of killing people for that man, she still hated her job. As a child, all she could think about was how she wanted to grow up like Jun Ji-hyun or some other successful actress, but here she was, put simply, a killer.

"Better go search him up," Marina mused, walking towards her small office.


"Our spies have discovered an important piece of intel, they think they've found out the information about JYP's ace."

"And you want me to eliminate them?"

"Exactly, she's a 21-year-old female, in the Korean aging system, who lives here in Seoul. Unfortunately, her skill level mirrors yours and we've failed to uncover her identity. This will make her extremely hard to locate, but this is a good lead."

"I understand, sir."

Jungkook stepped out of his boss's office, running a hand through his soft, brown hair like his hyung Jimin always does. He sighed, starting back towards his own office.

Like Marina, nothing made him feel more revolted than the sight, taste, and smell of blood.

"I suppose I could consider this a mini break until he finds her," thought Jungkook, releasing another airy sigh.

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