Chapter 2- New Location and Target

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"Well this'll be interesting," commented Marina. She set her suitcases down in the bedroom of her new penthouse, which was 'coincidentally' located next to Jungkook's.

The interior was incredibly spacious with wall-length mirrors in the living room. The kitchen was opposite the living room, with beautiful black counters and white cabinets. The bathroom was located to the left of the kitchen near the front door, and the stairs leading upstairs was set between the kitchen and the living room.

The layout upstairs was one main bedroom with a walk-in closet and a bathroom, and a guest bedroom, along with a smaller bathroom across from the guest bedroom.

Marina slipped off her shoes near the door, walking across the marble floor. The coldness of the tile seeped through her socks as she started towards her bathroom.

"I think it's about time for a new look," muttered Marina. This was part of her monthly routine so that it was harder for her enemies to find her. As of now, she had light, waist length strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes.

First, she took out those fake contacts, sighing in relief at their removal. She's been using this for the past two months out in public and her eyes have been irritated to no end.

Putting out a pair of hair cutting scissors, Marina neatly trimmed several inches of her leaving it hanging halfway down her back.

After cutting it, she gathered the strands and tied them together to donate. Next, she opened her luggage to pull out a new box of hair dye, selecting dark brown.

A few hours later, Marina rinsed her hair of the dye before blow drying her hair and curling it.

Looking up, her reflection nearly caught she by surprise.

"I look like I used to before this new life," she thought, turning her head to examine her new hair.

Marina started to clean up the trash on the counter of her bathroom, not liking how messy it looked.

After cleaning up the mess, she plopped on her bed for a short nap.

(Half an hour later)

Yawning, Marina stepped out of bed and eyed the door to her walk-in closet. She spent the next two hours unpacking her luggage.

"What about a wardrobe change?" thought Marina. Her company was paying her rent and she had just gotten her paycheck last week.

Though her job was dangerous and brutal, the pay was decent leaving her with an excessive amount in her bank considering the fact that she hadn't spent any in a while.

Marina sat down on a couch in the living room, with her laptop on her lap. She had meant to only buy a handful of new outfits to last her through this mission but ended up spending nearly $15,000.

She sighed, realizing she spent 75% of what was left in her bank account. Let's just say that she had bought 4 new makeup sets from Lancome. 10 supreme hoodies. 2 pairs of women's Timberlands. A set of Gucci floral print bags, including a normal sized backpack, a mini backpack, a purse, and a wallet. 5 new pairs of shoes, 8 dresses, 10 beanies, and 20 other outfits mainly consisting of baggy clothing for this particular mission.

Along with several sets of diamond and pearl jewelry set in rose gold. And to top that off, a two-year subscription to various Japan boxes that would ship to her local post mail building under her fake name.

A soft buzzing sound from her microphone broke her train of pity thoughts, startling the girl.

"Sylvi, we've located Jungkook, he's in a cafe a few blocks away from your new apartment building. It's next to a giant mall and has a few rose bushes growing under the windows outside, you'll know when you see it."

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