Chapter 3- Similarities

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A/N: The time and the setting are the same as the last chapters.

"So, Kookie, do you want to hang out later? We could watch a new movie together in my apartment," Marina said, innocently batting her eyelashes at Jungkook.

The poor guy ended up blushing at the mention of being alone with a girl. "We literally just met."

"I know," she replied, nervously biting down on her lower lip. That caught the attention of the young man in front of him and he gulped.

"So I've attracted myself another player," he thought bitterly. He was about to kindly reject her, but Marina was able to detect the fact that he was closing up and intervened.

"Sorry, that was far too straightforward, I was just thinking we could hang out," she whispered. With a slightly distraught face, she stood up.

Picking up her cup, she walked to a trash can and threw it away.

An instant wave of guilt washed over Jungkook as he watched her, but knew that he shouldn't let himself get close to outsiders.

Marina walked out of the door with a slight smirk on her face. Pulling her coat closer to herself, she started off towards her penthouse while counting down.

"Wait up!" shouted a masculine voice behind her. Marina turned around in slight interest, looking at Jungkook who was panting slightly as he ran after her. "It's not safe for women to walk alone at night."

"Well I'm not alone anymore, am I?" she asked, a playful glint in her eyes. Jungkook couldn't help but smile, his cute bunny teeth showing. Something about this girl made his body react in ways opposite to what he thought was logical.

The pair walked in silence for another five minutes until Jungkook finally broke the silence

"So, what movie did you want to watch?" he asked her.

"The new horror movie that came out," she replied, tilting her head up to peer at the moon beyond the trees.

Jungkook gasped in surprise, eyes lighting up. "I never pegged you as the type to like horror."

"To be honest I don't," she replied, causing his eyebrows to crinkle in confusion. "I was just thinking of trying new things and attempting to get over my fears. To be honest I get scared out of my mind while watching horror movies which is why I wanted someone to watch it with me."

He appeared to nod in understanding, his eyes trained on the ground. "Why not ask one of your friends?"

"They're all busy, I suppose I don't quite fit into their schedule."


It was completely true, outside of Twice, Marina really didn't have anyone. She couldn't befriend anyone at the risk of their safety if she ever got compromised. And she couldn't ask any of her group members, the rest of the Twice members were on their own missions.

"I'm the same way," Jungkook muttered, walking a little closer to her. Something about the realization of how much they had in common made his walls come down inch by inch. He's literally been trained against everything out in the field (fights, drowning, torture, etc), everything except for girls.

They've always been irrelevant to him, so he never bothered to read the manual on defense against seduction.

Marina smiled at him, seeming to notice the change from his defensive posture. Looking ahead, she squealed in delight, running across the open field to an ice-cream stand.

"Chocolate please," she said, beaming a smile at the vendor. He appeared to be in his late 70's, wearing an incredibly kind smile.

While he was scooping ice-cream onto a cone, Marina quickly dug into her purse before her movements slowed.

The realization struck her too late. She only brought enough spare money to buy one drink and left her credit card at home.

"Um, Kookie? You wouldn't mind paying this for me, would you? Please?" She begged, blushing in embarrassment. The vendor handed Marina her cone before looking at Jungkook expectantly.


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