Found You

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"Leader-Sama I know this is unorthodox but I would like to request to lead a mission of 5 members alongside myself and Tobi. When I joined I was informed that I would be given the opportunity to take my revenge on Orochimaru and to do this in a timely manner I need other members to aid me. Orochimaru has been a thorn in everyone's side and killing him now with help will be more beneficial than letting Tobi and I do it on our own over a longer span of time." Pain was sitting with his hands interlocked in front of his face as I kneeled below him, my eyes staying locked onto his Rinnegan.

"You have three weeks, if your mission is not accomplished by this time everyone else is to return home at once." Pain's deep voice boomed throughout my shoddy lit room. Konan was standing by his side and I flashed her a smile before turning back to cadaver of sorts and gave a quick bow.

"Thank you Leader-Sama!" Their chakra made holograms faded the slight buzzing on my Akatsuki ring faded signaling the meeting is over. Everyone was gathered in the Hideout for the first time in a few months, perfect for me to gather my allies. Me, Kisame, Kakuzu (who I bribed to give him the bounty off of Orochimaru if he came), Hidan, Tobi, Itachi, and Deidara were sitting around the floor staring at a map of the continent.

"So from the intel Sasori gave me and everything I have gathered myself, Orochimaru has more or less of 20 hideouts scattered throughout every land. If you find Orochimaru in your area, alert me immediately and I will be there. Same goes for me, I will let whoever's closest to aid me when I find him. If you are the one to find Hiashi Hyuga drop whatever you are doing and get him to safety, bring him to the gate of the leaf village and I will give you whatever you want in return. He is not to be harmed by you under any circumstances if I find out otherwise I will kill you in the most brutal ways possible. Shark Boy." I circled the area between Kiri and the land of waves. "You are going to be here, water is your strong suit and you know the layout of the area surrounding Kirigakure better than the rest of us so you will find the hideouts in this area and if they are empty destroy them. One hideout I know of in that area is being ran by a girl not much older than me named Karin. Orochimaru never goes to that hideout so don't worry about finding him, just destroy it. Karin can sense chakra at an inhuman level, being able to distinguish chakra up to 80 kilometers away, she's not much of a combatant though so be warned. If possible get her to join but if she refuses do whatever necessary to stop her and anyone else that stands in your way. I want the prisoners from that area to be released and to spread the news that Orochimaru is going to meet his end."

"Sounds intriguing." Kisame flashed me a grin and tightened his straps holding Samehada in place.


"Hmm?" I circled around the Land of Wind and marked the areas that known hideouts were located.

"You have the largest search radius to look. When you find a hideout if Orochimaru is not there you are to light it up. I want it to be known that you were the one who took down the hideouts, make it big and flashy. We're sending a message."

"Sounds like a blast, un." Deidara had large bags of clay strapped to each of his sides, an excited and maniacal grin on his face. He was one of the most ready to kill Orochimaru, they have some kind of score to settle for reasons he wont tell me.

"Kakuzu and Hidan, you are taking the Land of Fire together, it's Orochimaru's home so there are many hideouts in the surrounding area. There are also a lot of Orochimaru's willing subordinates hanging out in these hideouts so your job is to slaughter them all. Sacrifice them, keep them for bounty I don't care they're all gone. You two are probably the ones who wouldn't die on what should be a suicide mission."

"Fuck yeah, Lord Jashin is going to love this!"

"Hear that idiot, don't die. I'm not going to come save your ass." Kakuzu stated gruffly, smacking Hidan on the back of the head.

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