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                 Jungkook's P.O.V

That day flew by quickly, after the 'Little Talk' with Y/N, the poor girl seemed so broken and I couldn't help but care. It brought back so many memories of the two of us. Us. I smiled at the thought. Maybe this new start isn't so bad.

I escorted her to the class , receiving blazing, suspicious glares from most of the kids. Not to mention the priceless expression on my friends face after seeing me accompanied by my reknown enemy and not to mention how we'd wait for the moment to bite each other's head off until today. Ahhh.. Today,

Was the least of my expectations. Cringing on how I'd decided to make the women pay for her rebellious deeds to embracing her in my arms and crying along with her. How could I show my weakness in front of her this easily? And crying.. seriously Jungkook! But.. she offered a new start. For us. Had I been right to trust her this easily, after everything....

No! One thing I know of Y/N is that she is true to her words. I've known her long to ridicule over my stupid assumptions.

Just then Taehyungs words started to settle in me.
You've been blinded this whole time Jungkook. And now you're blaming you're own friend?

Did he mean what I think he meant? Does he know of Y/Ns innocence? Maybe he was right. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. After all he's my best friend, my hyung. How could I ever doubt him. Guilt.. that's what I felt now. My whole life was a whirl pool of guilt. If only there was a way to erase that part of my mind..


The following day, I was in a better mood and was triumphed to start a new day. Maybe because I was excited to meet my friends or a specific person. Ahh only if everyday was like this.

Arriving to school on time, I walked along the corridors, whistling with a bright beam on my face and welcomed the new day. Some girls giggled seeing me unusually happy and came up to me fangirling,
" Why, Oppa don't you seem so dashing today?"
That's when I saw Y/N standing right around the corner, chatting with a girl laughing like nothing I've ever seen in the world. She flashed the girl a smile, waved at her, opening her locker.

" Guess I got lucky today" I smirked at them. " Now if you'll excuse me ladies, I have a girl to catch up to" I winked at them, leaving them with their giggles.

Y/N's P.O.V

Ahh the birds chirping, the sun smiling down at me and mostly for the first time in years I don't feel despair and empty. Guess some things do change with time.

I was skipping towards my first class, getting obnoxious glares from the drama queens. But for the first time I didn't give an actual crap about what others thought. Keep up with that facial expression girls and I'm sure you'll find yourself a boyfriend in no time. Such a pity it is.

Lost in my own thoughts, I heard someone catching up to me with hard breathing. Diverting my eyes towards him, I felt my heart skip a beat.

" Miss Kim" Jungkook bowed at me, giving me his bunny smile. Ohh boy how much I've missed this.

" Mr Jeon" I chuckled, curtsying to him. His eyes were warm, eyeing my every move. Our eyes locked for a moment and then the time stopped. We were too lost in our own gazes, like lost lovers, star struck by seeing each other.

" May I escort you to your first class?" Jungkook asked, giving me his arm. I took his arm and nodded at him, trying to forget the fact that we had the same class and this was out of his pure kindness not because we were heading the same way.

The walk to the class was silent, but not the awkward kind of silence. It was rather refreshing, cupid in a way. It felt like he could reads my thought and I his. My gripped around his arm tightened and he gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't help but grin back.
If only life had been this way all this time. If only I could tell him I'd be by his side no matter what. That he could lean on me. Leave his worries for me to shoulder.

We reached class and sat at our respective places. Reaching the class we got puzzled looks from our friends and the other students seeing us this close. I immediately let go of Jungkook's arm and went to sat next to Lisa.

I thought convincing Lisa would be like jumping off a cliff. But after hearing me telling her how I'm committed on never leaving Jungkook's side,she had to agree with me. I know Lisa well, to believe that she'd never want to leave me upset.

"So, what was that?" Lisa said, smirking at me, giving me a shoulder bump.
" What?" I gave her an innocent look.

" Don't play dumb with me, you little rat" Lisa said, rolling her eyeing at me.

Thank the lord the teacher arrived or I would've been dead meat. Feeling Lisa shooting daggers at me, I tried to ignore her and concentrated on the leacture.

The lecture finally came to an end after two torturing hours. Everyone was about to head out when the teacher cleared her throat.

" Class, I have an announcement for you all. There's no need to act all hyped after hearing the news because this trip is specially and only organised for our literary class."
Trip! There were gasps and mutters around the room with a few boys hooting. The teacher threw them a cold look and everyone turned their attention to her.
" So the school management has planned an educational trip to Jeju Island and it is merely an educational trip but you'll be allowed to go sightseeing with your respected partners. After the end of this trip I expect of you to write a report on this recursion with your partner."

Partner not bad, I was actually starting to feel excited about this trip. I mean Jeju, one of the most remarkable places in South Korea. I've been to Jeju just once with my parents when I was young. Really young that I hardly remember even visiting but then what are photos for.

"I'll be calling out the names of the pairs, so listen attentively for your name, my students. Jimin and Jennie, Lisa and Taehyung...." After calling out all the names, except mine I raised my hand to question.
" Umm Miss, you didn't call my name" I told her.

" Oh my yes, well.. Mr Jeon did I call your name?" The teacher asked Jungkook and he simply shrugged. What the Hell! Does he ever pay attention in class.

" Umm I'll take that as a no. Jungkook and Y/N it is then" the teacher clasped her hands and I froze in my position.

" Partners you mean?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
" Why, Miss Kim do I seem like joking to you, standing here!" The teacher said, frustrated.
" C-certainly not, Miss" I stuttered.

"Adequate, pack your luggage's we'll be leaving on Friday. Which is in 2 days people" and then she walked out of the class, slamming the door with a thud. The nerve she has.

Meanwhile I felt someone's gaze on me. And I knew who it was. I look towards Jungkook and gulped. Relax Y/N it can't be that bad. I mean we're friends, nothing else, right?
Feeling like Jungkook could read my mind, he winked at me. I felt blush rising to my cheeks. I cupped my hands to my cheeks and yikes they were hot.

Oh my, oh my. This is going to be a long weekend.

Trip to Jeju eh? What do you people think will happen? Will it go as expected or the other way around?
Hope y'all liked this chapter. It is far lot different then the others I've wrote. Hope you enjoyed reading.

Sarangheyo ~author-nim

Love or Hate (Jungkook ff)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя