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                                                Y/N's P.O.V

Its been 4 days since I've not been to school.In simpler words, i feel depressed and lost. I cant face the world right now, not after what happened a few days ago. I'm still not over the whole trauma. 

I checked my SNS that day, only to find pictures and videos of me.I cant believe those videos are actually circulating around the school.Its like my life is been played with.

Some times you just want to die,to end your life...all those suffering which you've shouldered.This was one of those times.I faked my allergy excuse and told mom that ill be taking off from school for a few days.Since then, I haven't been eating, talking nor sleeping.

I now understand why everyone around me seemed to be so conscious of what to say to me, when i was younger. They knew i tried to act strong, like nothing mattered much to me but also I that i could be torn easily, like a fragile flower. 

I still remember when Yoongi oppa (older brother) died when I was in middle school, due to a     car accident. I tried to end my life, thinking maybe it could ease the pain. He was my best friend, my everything...

 Since then I've promised myself to live for my brother, to cherish every moment in my life,most    importantly to become the source of my parents pride.To be tough in every situation, not let others define who I am but.. i dont think i can do that anymore...

                                                     Jungkook's P.O.V

" Julia, I'm staying home, you cant make me go."I snapped. "Jungkook, I don't want to hear anymore words from you, your going and that's final." Julia proclaimed.I don't know what that women thinks of herself as.If she thinks she can replace herself for mom then shes mistaken.

"Urgh! Stupid parties." I mumbled."Jungkook-ah you know how important this party is for your dad.His company has recently gained a heavy profit." Julia exclaimed. Sometimes i think the only reason this women married my dad is for his wealth, disgusting.

Being honest I've always hated these business parties, you get stuck in between old rich folks for the rest of the night.The only reason I accept to attend this torture is because of my dad, i don't want to lose him either like Eomma.

                                                (Time Skip)  *Sponge Bob Style*

We entered the party hall.There were media cameras every where.Men wearing tuxedos and women in their formal dresses.Usually I would just sit in the corner and have a glass of champagne, killing the boredom.My parents were busy welcoming the guests for the party.I could recognize a few kids from school too, all prepped up fancily.

But then I saw her...........





Y/N, dressed in a sea blue dress , hair made in a fine braid , with a light makeup on.She was with her parents meeting my parents. But she didn't look the same.

She had dark circles under her eyes and it seemed as she hadn't slept for days, she seemed weak, not the tough Y/N I knew.

I don't know what I was thinking, but my legs pulled me towards her direction, where she stood alone, all sad......


Hope y'all like this chapter. This chapter was a bit short but i found it best to stop here.

CLIFF HANGER.... *hehe*

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Sarangheyo ~author-nim

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