Just a little

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"Sebastian noo you can't just skim over this like it's nothing" I say squeezing his hand.

"Look you're here, I'm here, alive so.. You can just forget about it" he says not looking at me.

"Sebastian.. you can trust me, I promise" I say. He takes a deep breath to relax himself.

"You're not gonna get off my case are you?" he asks.

"Nope, rules of the game, it's inconsiderate" I say. He just glares at me.

"It was not too long ago, after a show. You weren't around so I didn't really know what to do. I got away, not telling anyone and found my way to a bar. I guess I didn't realize what I was getting myself into due to my lack of memory. Apparently I had one too many drinks because all I remember is someone just talking really loud to me. Um.. that Vanessa girl, you know the one you asked me about?" He says.

"Yea" I reply.

Well.. it was her that sort of saved me. "I need you to type your password so I can call some one, I'm trying to help you" is what she said before I was completely out. Once I got to a hospital she was the one there when I was sober again.

"It's about time you woke " is what Vanessa said to me. I asked her what happened and turns out I was messed up pretty bad. Since I was knocked out before I was able to unlock my phone for her, she just got my hand used my Touch ID finger print and then texted and called back anyone who showed concern for me during my absence" Sebastian says.

I just cover my mouth not knowing what to say.

"My brothers were prettyyy mad when they came but relieved" he says.

"Wow... so that's how you really met Vanessa, and she really did that? I feel so bad now for misjudging her" I say.

"Heh she thought I was crazy when I told her about you" he says.

"Well.. what do you mean?" I ask.

"She said you weren't a girl worth going all that trouble for" he said.

"Oh.. I see, well she does have a point there" I say.

"No she doesn't, don't say that about yourself" he replies. There was a silence, I really was just so shocked about his story I couldn't really think.

"Sebastian to be quite honest with you.. I really don't think I'm the worth to be that kind of person to put you through all that trouble" I say.

"What do you mean? Of course you are" he says.

"Sebastian if it weren't for Vanessa, who knows what would've happened and if it weren't for me none of this would've happened in the first place" I say but continue before he says anything.

"What if.. what if something really terrible happened to you? What would I do then?" I say.

"What if I never got to see you again in my life and I'd have to live with the burden that I spent my last moments with you mad because of some silly old mix up on a dumb kiss" I tell him.

"Hey hey, Cece, it's alright, you don't have to feel guilty for any of this and the "what if" it didn't happen, see I'm right here" he says.

"I just.. are you sure you still want to be with me?" I ask.

"Celeste are you serious? You're more then I could ever ask for. I appreciate everything Vanessa did for me but no one can compete with you" he says. I take a deep breath.

"So are we just saying our vows now" I say looking at him.

"You started it" he says.

"Oh please" I reply in a British accent as I hit the side of his arm. There was a silence. Not an awkward silence, more like a peaceful silence.

"Come on don't gotta make things so sad, lighten up dude" Sebastian says.

"Me making things sad? Never." I say.

"You know what sounds good right now?" He asks.

"What" I reply.

"Gin" he says.

"Of course what else did I expect from you" I say.

"Hey don't judge" he says. I just stare at him looking confused.

"You really wanna drink even after telling me that story?" I ask.

"Of course drunk late night stories are the best" he says.

"You know I don't drink" I reply.

"Pleeeease" he says.

"I'm not stopping you" I say.

"Yea well if I open this Gin without you, you'll be mad at me for the rest of the night" he says.

"Oh you know me too well" I say. He just stares at me waiting for me to say yes.

"Fine you big baby but just a little" I say.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now