In the dark

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Sebastian was still holding my hand and taking me somewhere. I asked him where we're going and all he said was shhh sounding a bit tipsy. I was confused but trusted him.

We went outside and he let go of my hand.

"I'll see if the coast is clear" he said. He went behind a bush and started to look around. We we're in a parking lot and I have no idea what he was hiding from.

"Sebastian this is a-" I said before he cut me off.

"Shhh we gotta stay quiet" he told me.

"Coast is clear now come on" he said. I followed him. Then he got his collar and held it close to his mouth.

"This is agent S.E.B with my partner Celeste the spy and were on our way and don't worry we're safe" he said to himself.

And that's when I realized he isn't drunk. This is just his personality and he's just having fun. I decided to play along.

"Who are we hiding from" I whispered. He smiled.

"Nobody" he whispered while still looking around. "Oh" I said.

"I'm just making sure there's no competition for you" he said.

"Competition?" I asked quietly. Then he got my hand again and stared to walk faster. It was really really dark. I started to feel scared.

"Sebastian are you sure this a good idea?" I asked sounding really nervous. Then he stopped walking and looked at me.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Well yea but" I said.

"Thank you, now lets continue" he said and started walking again.

"I promise you'll be okay" he told me. Then I didn't feel as scared anymore. We continued walking for like 2 minutes then I saw a lamppost.

"We're almost there" he said. We started walking closer and closer to the lamppost. And before I knew it he let go.

"We're here" he said. It was a bench under a lamppost in the dark with no one around.

 It was a bench under a lamppost in the dark with no one around

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"That's it?" I asked. He looked kind of sad after I said that. Then I realized he misinterpreted what I said.

"No I mean like that's it? As in you're not going to murder me" I said really fast sounding relieved.

He laughed. "And why in the world would you think I'd kill you?" he asked half laughing. I sighed.

"At this point anything can happen" I said.

"Come on sit down" he said. And I did.

"Even if I was forced to, your face is way too pretty. I'd never bring myself to do it" he said.

"Gee thanks, you know you're not too bad yourself" I said sounding sarcastic but on the inside I felt like screaming into a pillow "HE THINKS IM PRETTY!!"

He laughed.

"By the way here's your phone, I accidentally never gave it back" I told him.

"Thanks" he said. He looked at it and saw the 5 notifications. He rolled his eyes while sighing and put it away.

There was a silence but not an awkward silence. For a second I thought he was going to kiss me bit he didn't.

"I have an idea, wanna play the tbh game" I asked.

"What's that game?" he asked.

"It's when you ask any question and you have to answer truthfully no matter what or you say something that you wanna say (like a to be honest) and the other person can't judge you whatsoever" I told him.

"All right Ms. Mysterious lets see what you have in store" he said.

"I'll go first" I said. "Who's your celebrity crush?" I asked.

"Easy, Emma Watson" he answered.

"Ooh that's a good one" I said.

"Who's yours?" he asked.

"Probably Loki not like the actor himself but like actually Loki" I said.

"I don't think he'd be considered a celebrity crush thou, considering he's.. a fictional character" he said.

"Oh come on don't crush my dreams" I

told him half laughing.

"What do you like about him?" he asked.

"Well.. his black hair" I said.

"Hey, I have black hair" he replied.

"And his green eyes" I said sounding purposely in a fan girl way.

"Ya know I have green eyes too" he said.

"Oh don't flatter yourself" I said smiling. He laughed.

"To be honest.. Loki is actually a lot cooler than you" I said.

"Oh come on, you said it yourself I'm not that bad" he said kind of laughing.

"Hey no judging" I said. "But you're right, I actually really like you"

"Oh no he didn't think I was flirting with him did he?" I thought to myself.

"To be honest I actually really like you too" he replied. I felt relieved.

"Okay serious question now okay?" I said.

"Ask away" he said smiling.

"Okay but you don't have to answer if you don't want to" I told him sounding kind of worried.

"All right Mrs. Mysterious, what ya got" he said smiling.

"Who's Stephanie?" I asked.

Authors note: Is another cliffhanger you see?? Yes. You're right. Don't worry I'll post the next chapter tomorrow. Yesterday I pre wrote 6 chapters so there will be new chapters daily for the rest of the week for sure. Love ya dudes hope you have/had a good day :D

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