The ex

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There we were, just in the middle of a park, sitting on a bench, under a lamppost in the dark. It was peaceful. I felt at ease. It was fun playing "tbh" but Stephanie kept crossing my mind. Who is this girl? And what happened to her.

"Um.. So who's Stephanie?" I asked hesitating. After I asked I felt regret all over me. Sebastian's happy expression changed right after I said that in the spam of half a second.

"I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked, that's was really out of place for me to do" I said really fast kinda nervous.

"Its okay" he said. Then he sighed.

"How do.. how do you know who Stephanie is?" he asked. I started kinda panicking. I really hope he's not mad at me.

"Well um.. the girl on your phone. I promise I didn't read what she sent but when you gave me your phone it had 5 notifications from her" I said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes then looked down. "She's just.. an ex with a really shitty break up story" he said kind quiet.

"Trust me, I know what a shitty break up story is" I said.

"It probably isn't as bad as mine" he said sounding a little down.

"Wanna bet?" I asked. He kind of smiled.

"Is everything a competition to you?" he asked sarcastically.

"Oh come on, its okay you can trust me. If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine" I said.

"All right Mrs. Mysterious but only because I trust you" he said. I moved a little bit closer to him.

"Me and Stephanie had been dating for a couple of years, she was everything to me. People would get annoyed when I talked about her. All the years we'd been together I've had to tour but we made it through. Then about 3 months ago I had to leave for tour again. I said goodbye to her and I was off. Then after a month of being apart and texting her everyday Remington said we had 3 days off. So I decided to give her a surprise and visit her. Then once I got there turns out she'd been cheating on me with some guy. The guy said that they'd been dating for the past 5 months when I visited. Later on it was revealed that she lied to both of us. Next thing you know I packed my things up and never talked to her ever again" he said. He took a deep breath after saying all of that.

"Aw Seb" I said. He looked at me. He looked really sad. But I tried my best to not show pity.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and linked/wrapped my arm onto his arm.

"My turn" I said. I started to lift my head off his sholder then heard him whisper "don't let go" really quietly. So I didn't.

"Well.. unlike yours mine was actually yesterday" I said kinda in a nervous laughter tone.

"Yesterday??!?" he asked. I sighed really loud. "Yep" I replied sounding a bit sad.

"So me and Anthony had been dating for like a year and a half. Ari had pretty much convinced me that he was gonna purpose to me yesterday. I was really happy. I was totally head over heels for him. Then I checked his Instagram and yea he was was planning a proposal. Just not for me, turns out he had a girlfriend other than me and they had been dating for 4 years and had 2 kids the whole... time" I said. My voice started to trail off.

"Oh no pls pls pls don't cry" I told myself. Memories started to replay in my head

It was too late. I felt a tear come down.

"So he purposed to her before I even knew he broke up with me" I said. Again, I was crying but there was no sound just tears.

"Through text" I whispered.

"Now he's somewhere planning a wedding to marry the love of his life" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

He noticed. He saw I was crying, but he didn't say anything. He just got my hand and locked his fingers with mine.

"I promise you'll be okay" he said. I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't.

"Tbh that's actually why I was at the club, Ariana said it would make me feel better or something" I said to him half laughing.

"Tbh I'm glad that ass broke up with you" he replied.

"And whys that?" I asked.

"Because then if you were still together, Ari wouldn't have dragged you to a club. Then I wouldn't have ever met you." When he said that all my tears went away. I felt 100× much happier.

"Tbh Stephanie is really stupid for cheating on you" I told him.

"And whys that?" he asked.

"Then I wouldn't be here, talking to you in the middle of the night on a bench" I said while smiling. He laughed.

"Okay another serious question" I said.

"You have my trust 100% shoot" he said.

"You're not.. dating Daniel are you right?"
I asked.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora