Leaving you.

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The day had passed. Ari hasn't talked about going wedding dress shopping anytime soon, and right now I'm with Tyler again.. figuring things out.

"I told Ariana about Sebastian" I say with both of us looking at the floor.

"Its about time you told her" he said looking up.

"Was she mad?" he asks.

"Couldn't tell" I reply.

"You seem more sad today. Are you okay?" he asks.

Another thing I like about Tyler is that he can always easily tell when I'm feeling down, faster than Ariana.

"Don't really know I guess" I say sighing.

Truth is, I actually did know. This morning I checked Sebastian's Instagram, see how his bands doing without actually asking him and on his story he was with a girl. A girl named Vanessa, now I don't know much about her but.. all I'm sure of is that I don't like her very much.

"You're lying" says Tyler sort of squinting his eyes.

"How'd you know- I mean.. no I'm not" I say kind of nervous. He just widens his eyes staring at me.

"Pfft all right you got me" I say.

"What happened" he asks.

"I've been avoiding anything Sebastian related all month and this morning I decided to check his Instagram and he seems to be getting close to some girl named Vanessa" I say sounding a bit annoyed. Tyler doesn't really say anything but look to the side.

"But the problem is that.. am I even allowed to get jealous? I made the decision to stay away from him for a while so in a sense this is kind of my fault right?" I ask.

"Cece, I'm sure every fangirl is jealous of Vanessa for hanging out with Sebastian right now, so you're not the only one" he said.

"But that's the thing, I'm not just some fangirl on a screen. I know him and he knows me" I said.

"Don't really know about that one but I think I know what'll cheer you up" he says.

Really? I'm here asking for advice and all I get is an "I don't know". I mean.. I guess.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"I say.. we get food and.. have a marvel movie marathon" he says smiling.

"Deal" I reply smiling back.

Tyler's lack of response to the advice I needed was kind of disappointing but watching Marvel movies to drown my sorrows is something I could get used to.

Seb's pov//(that's right yalls, he's back)

Tour has been really hectic lately and I miss reporting all the crazy stuff that goes around here to Celeste. I've met a girl named Vanessa and sure she's fun and all but she's a horrible listener. I miss Celeste being someone I looked forward to talking everyday, she always knew what to say and when to say it.

Vanessa's been commenting a lot on my posts and she puts me on her story all the time. Fans are starting to suspect things that something went down between me and Celeste. I get DM's of them just checking in on me, saying they hope I'm okay and all, it's something I really appreciate. Even thou I don't reply to all of them I know they mean well. They refer to us as Celestian which I find kind of funny considering I've never really heard anyone refer to us as that.

"Heyyy Sebastian, lets go somewhere after your show, just you and me ya?" says Vanessa.

"Sure I mean.. I guess" I say sighing.

"Ugh are you still thinking about that Celeste girl" she says sitting next to me.

"What do you know" I say.

"I know enough to where you should get over it and live in the moment" she says.

As outgoing Vanessa is, boy is she clingy.

"Vanessa, it's whatever I'll just see you after the show" I say.

"Alright but I'm right here if you need me" she says and hugs me.

I understand Vanessa Is trying to be nice but.. she forgets that I'm still waiting for Celeste and frankly, I'm not looking for anyone else right now but her and her only.

Vanessa leaves to do.. god knows what and I just walk to my bunk and lay on my bed, staring at the top of it.

Lately I've been getting really nice fan gifts requesting to give them to Celeste, and I just can't wait to see her to give them to her. Not long ago a fan named Laura gave me a drawing Celeste and I that she made and I taped it to the roof of my bunk.

I layed staring at it, not realizing how tired I was and how much I really, really needed Celeste to come back.

Ding, my phone goes off. And its a text. A

text from Celeste.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now