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Sebastian had the idea of burning everything that reminded me of Anthony. It was a good day.

"How'd you even find this place?" I asked.

"Well um.. when I went to California and found out that.. Stephanie had cheated, I left and just started walking without caring where I'd end up and I found this spot" he replied.

I sighed. "Well if you're ever in that situation ever again just know that your partner in crime is always available" I said. "Oh no did I sound like I was flirting?? Aaaaaa" I thought to myself.

"Available to talk and call or text, don't want you to get lost and go missing" I said a little nervous. He smiled.

"Well if a guy ever cheats on you again, just know that I'll be here for you to figure out a revenge plan for you" he said. I laughed.

"OMG SEB" I yelled and checked the time really fast.

"Oh no no no no nooo Sebastian you have 12 minutes before you have to be on the bus" I said sounding out of breath.

"Aw man" he said sad as he stood up.

"Come on come on lets go you're going to be late and its all gonna be cuz of meee aaaaaaahh" I said really fast.

"Celeste its okay you're literally more worried than me" he said laughing.

"Well yea you're gonna be late all because of me, and that's not fair to you or your brothers.. Or your fans and-" I said. Then Sebastian got my hand.

"Its okay we're fine now come on you're coming with me" he said.

"With.... You?" I asked quietly while walking.

The thought of me running away with Sebastian sounded too good to be real.


We made it to the tour bus and Sebastian told me to get on. "I'm not really going on tour with Sebastian ... right?" I asked myself.


"Its about fucking time you made it" said Emerson.

"Where were you anyways-" said Remington till he saw me. "Aaaah I get you now" he said smiling.

"Yesssss Sebs girlfriend my main girlll, Celeste" said Ana putting her arms up to hug me.

I hugged her and said "I'm.. I'm not his girlfriend."

"Right..." she said.

"Sebastian say bye to your girlfriend we need to leave" said Daniel.

"Hold on" he replied. Then got my hand lead me to go outside. We were outside the bus looking at each others eyes. I thought he was gonna kiss me but.. he didn't.

"I'll call and text you everyday" he said.

"Please do, and don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you" I said happily. Again, I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn't.

Next thing you know Ari comes in her car to pick me up. Then out of no where out the window of the tour bus Samuel yells

"I love you Ariana". Ari laughed and yells back "I love you too".

I got in the car and waved and blew kisses to Sebastian as if I was Mrs.America or something. He laughed.

Then I was off to home, mentally preparing myself for how much I'd miss him.

              Sebastian's point of view

I got back inside the bus and everyone was staring at me.

- Ana

- Remington

- Daniel

- Emerson and

- Samuel

All of them.

"What?" I asked kind of laughing.

"You've literally had so many chances to kiss her what the hell are you waiting for?" asked Ana.

"Yea Sebastian you're so stupid" yelled Remington.

"Why do you guys care so much?" I asked. They all rolled their eyes.

"Seb I just need the satisfaction that you'll admit you've fallen for Celeste even if it's accidentally" said Ana to me.

"Come on, guys its been 3 days she couldn't have fallen for me that fast" I replied in my defense.

"Why not? You did" said Ana. I sighed. She was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

"There's always next time and there's also other girls out there" I replied. For some reason it hurt saying that, because right now all I want is Celeste.

"Sureee" said Ana while rolling her eyes.

Samuel was right. Maybe it is her.


Authors note: This was supposed to be split into 2 chapters but I added them together cuz they were too short but anyways hope you like this chapter and if you're wondering (this story isn't over yet :D )

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now