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Ding, my phone goes off. And its a text. A text from Celeste after what felt like a forever ago since we last talked.

"I think we should break up like officially and I hate that it has to be this way but I've moved on.. I'm sorry" she says.

What?!? All I feel is my heart plummet into a million pieces and then... I wake up.

Oh. It was a dream. What kind of dream is that?! I just sigh. Thank god it was a dream.

Celestes point of view

I was still hanging out with Tyler after watching 3 movies. Once the 4th movie ended he turned off the tv without saying anything and faced me with his legs criss crossed.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" I ask with my head tilted.

"Celeste.. I have something to tell you" he says kind of looking to the side.

"Oh you do?" I ask.

"I'm.. I'm going away for a while" he says.

"Wait.. what?" I say confused.

"To Europe" he says.

"Europe?!" I say loud.

"For 3 weeks" he says.

"What?! When why how?!" I yell.

"I'm leaving because.." he hesitates. I say nothing.

"I'm gonna find Marie" he just says really fast.

"M M Marie?" I ask.

"My flight is scheduled for tomorrow and I leave in the morning" he tells me looking at the floor.

"You're gonna leave me?" I say really quietly.

"I know we hang out all the time but I think you should really try to patch things up with Ariana and maybe... someone else who's been crossing your mind lately" he says.

"And who's that?" I ask.

"You're really gonna make me say it" he says looking at me with his eyebrow raised. I look at him blankly.

"Sebastian" he said rolling his eyes.

"Oh!.. heh right..." I say looking at the floor.

"Listen Cece.. for a while I thought you liked me or maybe we'd end up together but.. Sebastian clearly isn't going to be wiped from the picture anytime soon and part of me feels like I'm just his substitute till he comes back" he says.

"That's not true! You're an amazing friend and I love hanging out with you" I say firmly.

"You're a great one Celeste but trust me, I'll be back before you know it, and I promise talking to Sebastian at least one more time will be worth it even if its your last" he says.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask quietly.

"I don't.. I just.. I didn't want to make you sad" he says.

"Man.. this is really happening huh?" I ask.

"Yep. No lies" he says.

"You better bring me back a souvenir" I say looking up at him.

"Promise" he says firmly.

"Pink promise?" I ask holding my pinky up.

"As any promise should be sealed" he says. There was silence.

"How do you know Marie's in Europe anyways?" I ask.

"School field trip" he relies.

"Now that sounds expensive" I say. He just laughs little.

"Yea it.. it kinda is" he says.

"You need a lift to the airport?" I ask.

"No its fine but thanks" he says.

"You said you leave in the morning right?" I ask.

"Yep" he replies.

"Well in that case mister, you should be in bed" I say and get his hand.

"Here I can tuck you in" I say.

"That's really not necessary" he says.

"Yes it is, its essential because that's what friends do and I'm clearly a friend" I say leading him to his room.

"You're one weird friend" he says. I get his blankets and tuck him in.

"What now? Are you gonna read me a bedtime story now?" he asks kind of laughing.

"Noo.. but you can go to sleep while I clean up" I say.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you?" he asks.

"I'm sure" I reply and head to the door. Right as I'm about to leave he starts talking and stops me from my tracks.

"Hey Celeste?" he says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Please consider what I said about Sebastian" he says. I just sigh and nod then leave out through the door.

I put the CD's away in their cases, I throw all the candy trash away, and I vacuum the popcorn bits that were spread on the floor. Then I get my stuff together and drive myself back home.

Talking to Sebastian again huh? How in the world am I supposed to do that? Besides how do I even know he wants me back I mean.. that Vanessa girl is really pretty and she has so much confidence in her body, how do I compete with that? I sigh. This is stressful.


Authors note:

Hey guys I'm sorry again for taking forever to post. I'm gonna try to write as much as I can this week because my rehearsals for theatre are officially over and since thanksgiving break for me is next week I'm gonna try to post everyday during break so ya. Stay tuned! Hope you guys like the direction I'm taking this story considering I completely forgot what I was going to do before lol.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ