The dread I felt

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I was sitting next to Ariana in front if the bar at the club just talking. The music was really loud but somehow I was able to hear what she was saying. Then out of nowhere this guy with light brownish hair came up to us and asked Ari to dance with him. She looked at me and smiled as he got her hand. "Oh no, great now I'm alone" I thought to myself. I sighed put my elbow on the table and leaned my head on my hand.

"I guessing you've never been to a bar before" I looked to my left and saw that the guy wearing a fancy suit told me that.

"And what makes you so sure about that" I told him sounding more sassy than I intended.

"Well for one thing you're completely covered up. Girls don't usually come to a club dressed like that" he said.

"Hey why you gotta throw shade at me like that" I said jokingly.

"Also you just let your friend leave you alone to run off and dance with my friend Samuel" he said.

"Yea that probably wasn't a good idea" I said a little bit guilty.

"And you haven't even ordered a drink while you're friend here has had 3 shots while she's been dancing which indicates you're not much of a drinker"

"You're one to talk I haven't seen you drink" I said.

"So you've been staring at me" he said.

"And now you're jumping to conclusions, what a guy! " I said sarcastically

"Well yea I've had some drinks but I've learned to control it" he said. Something told me he wasn't lying.

"I'm Sebastian" he said.

"I'm Celeste" I told him and shook his hand.

"Besides I only came to pick up Samuel and Daniel but. . they both refuse to leave so..." he said while sighing. Then another guy with black wavy hair came while holding a drink.

"Oh Sebbyyy baby, why don't you have a drink. Come on I have one right here drink up" the guy said sounding a bit tipsy while shoving it in Sebastian's face.

"Speak of the devil" said Sebastian while pushing him away. I assumed this guy was Daniel. Then I realized Daniel had said "Sebby baby" something made me think that they might be gay or... bi.

"And who's thiss" said Daniel while looking at me sounding drunk. I just gave Sebastian a look that said "help me".

Sebastian noticed it. "Daniel get away go somewhere else" he said while rolling his eyes. Then Sebastian started to look around the room. "Hey Dan where's my guitar? Where'd you leave it?" Sebastian asked sounding a bit worried.

"Oh its over there by Samuel making out with that girl over there" Daniel said laughing.

"Excuse me, I'll be back" Sebastian said while pulling Daniel's arm to get away. After 2 minutes of him being gone I turned around to see where he was. Then I realized oh no.. that's Ari who's making out with Samuel. I felt so embarrassed.

Samuel was practically sitting on Sebastian's guitar almost breaking it. "Fucking Ariana" I said to myself.

After 5 minutes Sebastian came back looking pretty pissed. He sat down sighed and then faced towards me without saying anything.

"Listen I'm sorry, that's my friend Ari. She's been to clubs before but I never expected her to end up making out with some stranger and you're guitar its probably br-" I said before he cut me off.

"Its okay you really don't need to apologize its Samuels fault for thotting around" Sebastian said. I laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking why'd you bring a guitar here anyways?" I asked.

"Oh I just came back from a show, Samuel and Dan left early and came here. Then they called me to pick them up but now they just don't wanna leave" he said annoyed.

"Oh that's really cool actually" I said.

"Hey you should come to our show tomorrow, we have a V.I.P one where we do more acoustic type songs and one where we play rock songs" he said. Then out of nowhere he got a napkin and wrote something down.

"Here this is my number and the addresses to both. If you show up just text or call me and I'll let you in. You can come to either one or both!" he said smiling. I got the paper.

"Oh thank you" I said. I sounded neutral but I was actually really happy. "What were the chances of me getting a guys number by just talking to him" I thought to myself.

"See you there" he said while getting his guitar. "Bye" then he was off.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now