The secret mission.

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We started to run together till we reached the cross walk light. We stood in front of each other looking at each others eyes. I thought he was going to kiss me but before he could do anything I saw the light turn on so we could cross. Then I yelled "RACE" and sprinted away. I heard him laugh as I got away.

He caught up to me (obviously). I got tired and stopped. It was supposed to be a race but he came back and got me.

"Something I learned today: never challenge Sebastian to a race" I said. He laughed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself" he said.

"Thanks for not abandoning me by the way" I said still catching my breath.

"Celeste we're partners, I'm not gonna abandon you" he said.

"Not even when were having a race?" I asked.

"Not even when were having a race" he said smiling.

"K thanks, now come on we have a mission" I said and ran off again.

He caught up to me.. again.

"Say Sebastian where are we even going?" I asked. He stopped.

"You know what I actually don't know" he said.

"Well.. fuck" I said.

"It's all good I got this" he said. "Here this way" he said and started showing me where to go.

We made it back to the venue and realized something. "Ya know we could've easily just called Ari or Samuel right?" I told him.

"Well.. yea but what's the fun in that?" he said smiling.

"You're right" I said. We walked around the venue looking.

"Oh Arianaa come out come out where ever you are" I said.

"You man whore Samuel Celeste needs her Ari back" said Sebastian. I looked at him and laughed. I wanted Ari back but I didn't want this day with Sebastian to end. We kept walking around making circles.

"Come, we can check the tour bus" he said. For some reason I felt anxiety the closer we got to the bus.

"You know Sebastian I can just stay out here and wait for Ari" I said sounding a little nervous.

"Its okay Celeste, its not that bad" he said reaching out for my hand. I guess I was really really scared to go in because chances are.. there'll be a lot of people inside in such a small space.

I'm not claustrophobic but a room full of strangers packed together scared me.

"Celeste its okay, I promise you can trust me" he said. "Okay" I replied and got his hand and we walked in.

I was right. There was a lot of strangers.

"You can wait here let me go find Samuel" said Sebastian. "No no no pls don't leave me" I thought to myself. Then Ana noticed I was nervous.

"Hey Celeste come you can sit here" she told me. When I sat down I felt a lot more comfortable.

"So.. how'd it go?" she asked.

"How'd what go?" I replied.

"Your date with Sebastian duhh" she said.

"Oh it wasn't a date" I said kind of nervous.

"Okay fine.. are you his girlfriend now?" she asked. "I wish" I thought to myself.

"No why would he even date me?" I said.

She gave me a look that said "bitch he likes you and you know it".

"Okay did he at least kiss you?" she asked.

"PsHH! no." I said really fast.

"Did you want him to kiss you?" she asked.

"Um.. I mean kinda but we're just friends and that'll never happen so.. yea" I said.

"He likes you, I can tell but sometimes you gotta be the first to make a move" she said.

"He told me about Stephanie, I don't think he wants a girlfriend anytime soon" I told her kind of quiet while looking down.

"Well this is the happiest I've seen ever since he stopped talking to Stephanie that's for sure" she said. I sighed.

"You're single right?" she asked.

"Since yesterday yea" I said. She looked at me confused.

"Long story" I said.

"Well speak of the devil here comes your future boyfriend. Here's my number by the way, maybe one day you can find time to tell me all about it" she said.

"Thanks, it was really nice talking to you Ana" I said as I stood up.

"Ah same manners as Seb, nice meeting you too" she replied. I walked off the bus with Ari in front of me and by surprise she yelled "that was the best day of my LIFE" sounding a but tipsy.

I put my hand on my forehead and told Ari to shut up, then I heard someone laugh. I turned about and it was Sebastian.

"Oh I didn't realize you were here" I said in a nervous laughter.

"Well I just had to say mission accomplished, we got your Ari back" he replied.

"Yea I guess your right, l think she's drunk thou but at least she's back in one piece" I said. He laughed.

"And that's all that matters" he said.

"Right" I replied.

"Plus I need to make sure there's no competition for you remember?" he said.

"I.. I don't really know what that means but I guess" I said. I keep on thinking he'll kiss me but.. he doesn't

"Thank you for today Sebastian, I had a lot of fun" I said.

"No problem, I had fun too" he said smiling.

"Is it okay if I can text you tomorrow?" I asked kinda hesitant.

"Of course you can call or text me anytime" he said. I felt relieved that he said that. I have hope that I'll be able to see him again.

He walked me to the car holding my hand like a little kid but I didn't want to let go.

I got drunk Ari and seated her.

"See ya Sebastian" I said as I was about to drive off. He waved then winked at me.

As soon as I got far enough away from him so he wouldn't her me I practically yelled at Ari and said

"DID YOU SEE THAT ?! He winked at mee" I said excited. My heart.. I can't believe that this is happening.

"Thank you Anthony for being a prick and breaking up with me" I yelled out the window happily.

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