What we did at the parking lot

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Sebastian came back after 6 minutes. "Okay come lets-" he said before there was a loud bashing sound.

"Umm Sebastian can you come and help me with this" yelled Daniel from a distance. Sebastian sighed.

"Coming" he yelled back. "Fucking Curcio" said Sebastian to me while rolling his eyes. I laughed.

"Guys huh?" I said to him smiling.

"Totally, I hate them. Be right back" he said. Then he walked away to find Daniel.

"Hey Celeste I want you to meet someone" said Remington walking beside a girl with brown hair.

"This is my girlfriend, Ana"

"Oh nice to meet you Ana, I'm Celeste" I said while shaking her hand.

"Hi its soo nice to have another girl around here, Shy couldn't make it this time" Ana said smiling at me.

I saw Remington say something to Ana then he left.

"Yea I had my friend Ari here but.. she's off somewhere with her boyfriend Samuel" I said while sighing.

"Samuel has a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Yea apparently I guess. I mean they've only been official for like a couple of full hours so..." I said. Ana laughed.

"Well its nice to see that he's found someone" she said.

"Ari can be kinda a hassle but hopefully she doesn't drive him too crazy" I said smiling.

"Here lets sit" she said walking towards to a couch.

"Say um.. so who's Shy again?" I asked.

"Oh right" she said laughing. "Im Remington's girlfriend and Shy is Emerson's girlfriend, maybe if you stick around long enough you can meet her" she said.

"Oh I didn't know Shy was a name" I said.

"Yea everyone calls her that, but she's really sweet thou" she told me. "If you have any other questions you can just ask me okay?"

"Thanks but just one more" I said. She nodded.

"Who's Stephanie?" I asked. Ana sighed.

"Depends on which Steph you're talking about, Stephanie is their moms name and the other Stephanie.." she said hesitating.

"That's on Sebastian to tell you" she continued. "All I know is that he went from calling, texting and face timing her 24/7 to not even mentioning her name" she said while looking down.

"Hm thanks thou" I said.

"But if this is your way of asking if Sebastian's available or not, I'd say that.. he probably is" she said half laughing."

"Oh no its not like that, I just -" I said sounding more nervous then I intended to.

"Uh huh" she said sarcastically while looking up.

"What did I get myself into" I said kinda quiet while sighing.

"Aww I ship" she said. Her saying that took me by surprise and I felt my face turn red.


I heard footsteps.

"Celeste, lets get out of here yea?" said Sebastian holding my hand while motioning for me to get up. I stood up and looked at Ana. She was giving me a look that said "I fucking knew it, he's bound to fall for her"

"Sebastian where are we going?" I asked as we neared the exit.

"Shhh" he told me. He sounded a bit tipsy.

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