Adventure awaits

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"Well I gotta go now Cece but mission runaway is just on hold, when I'm done you're mine" he tells me before he runs off to go find his guitar.

"You're mine" heh.. kinda like the sound of that" I think to myself as I just smile really big while looking to the floor. Wonder what adventure mission runaway awaits.

I go back to the green room and sit down on the couch and use my phone. Then I suddenly see that I'm getting a lot of notifications like mentions in captions and Instagram tags. Then I see that its people reposting the video that a fan got of me when Sebastian took me on stage.

I start liking as many posts of the video I see as I can.

"They're the cutest ever I swear" one says.

"I can't believe Sebastian did this its so cute" another one says.

"I'm so happy to see they made up, for a while I suspected something went down but didn't want to start drama but I'm glad to see Sebastian happy again" another says making me almost cry.

Sebastian's fans are the sweetest fans ever I swear. Then I get a message from Ana, its a video and I open it.

"Yea hey um Celeste I think you lost a little something, something very, very annoying" she says.

"Oh come on you love me" says a voice and kisses Ana's cheek.

"Hey Cece when I come back I better hear some good Sebastian stories" he says and I realize that its Tyler.

OMG OMG Tyler and Ana??? Together?!? I could've sworn she hated him.


"WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME ABOUT YOU AND ANA?!?" I text Tyler making sure for it to be in all caps.

"Hey no need to yell at meee and I dunno it kinda just happened, I went to Europe to find Marie but ended up with someone 10000× better" he replies.

"And that you are correct on" I text back.

"I'm assuming you made up with Sebastian" he texts me.

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"AHA I knew it, and when were you missy planning on telling me about that huh?" he texts.

"Hey its not my fault! It literally happened like 20 seconds ago" I reply.

"Mhmm, tell me all about it when I get back, also apparently you're in Canada? That's crazy" he tells me.

"Yea its.. kinda of a long story" I text back.

"Well Ana wants to know too so don't wait too long to tell us" he texts.

"Yea yea sadly enough I'll be back soon in time for you guys" I tell him.

"Its not that bad but promise you'll enjoy what you have left with Sebastian?" he asks.

"Yes, I promise" I text.

"Kk thank you, tell Ari I said hi will ya" he says.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now