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Celeste's point of view
I was running away from Sebastian and when I turned I ran into someone. He was able to recognize me but I didn't know who he was. Oh no. Please don't be my ex.

"Anthony?" I ask hesitantly quiet and nervous.

"What? No, Celeste its me Tyler" he says.

"Tyler? The tree powers guy from.. Ikea?" I ask a bit confused.

"Yea.. yea sorry if its weird that I remember you its just that-" he says before I cut him off.

"Listen Tyler, I'm trying to run away from someone right now, you think can help me?" I ask.

"I was just cleaning up shop but.. yea I guess.. I can help you" he said.

"Celeste!" I hear Sebastian's voice say.

"Hurry!!" I scream whisper.

He struggles while trying to look for something in his pockets really fast.

He finds his keys and starts to unlock a door on a building near the place we were at.

He opens up the door and its a closet, used for putting away cleaning supplies.

"You can go inside, I'll wait out here till the coast is clear" he says.

I get in the closet praying I'm not about to get raped or locked inside.

After about after 6 minutes of being inside I check my phone. 27 unread messages all from Sebastian. Plus 8 missed calls all that were also all from Sebastian.

I didn't want to leave him on read but I scrolled through the notifications getting a brief idea of what he was texting.

"Celeste I'm sorry" one said.

"I know you're mad but please tell me you're safe" another one said.

"Please answer my calls or call me back I  just want to know you're okay" I read.

"Let me drive you home safely maybe we can talk about this later" another one said.

"I'm sorry Celeste, please don't shut me out, I know I messed up but please please please don't just ignore me for the rest of my life" I read before a lot more tears started coming out.

I'm so so so stupid. 1 year v.s a 4 year relationship. Of course he loves Stephanie, of course he wants her back how stupid could I have been.

- Stephanie is prettier than me, dresses nicer, is more successful, richer, literally everything I've ever wanted to be.

I'm so stupid. Stupid for thinking anyone could ever actually love me, stupid for falling for Sebastian in less than a week, stupid for letting myself be constantly cheated on like that, stupid for not even trying to defend myself, and most of all.. stupid for making myself feel this way.

Sebastian really couldn't have been lying this entire time could he? There's gotta be at least one second where he's like "maybe she's not so bad" right?

Who am I kidding. I'm just an idiot. A stupid, ugly, dead beat job, college student that lives with her best friend who's most likely going to move out after she gets married.

Maybe it's her; Sebastian Danzig's fake love Story COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now