20 - An Unexpected Twist

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"Hmm, this is strange," Jordy admitted. "It's not like June to wait somewhere in the dark, unless she panicked and went back in. I'll call her. Can you keep searching for her that way?" She motioned forward.

Juan nodded, walking alongside the building. After a few seconds he heard a phone going off. There was no one hanging around on this side of the building and a heavy feeling descended to his stomach. He started to run. Before he rounded the corner, he heard someone sob.

Oh god.

A vibration went through his chest.

"Hey!" he yelled. "Let go of her!"

Rodey had pushed June against the wall, one hand clamped around her mouth. The other was underneath her dress, groping her breast while his lips slithered down her neck. June was squirming, but she was no match for the tall footballer.

Startled, Rodey turned his head to the side. Juan clenched his fist immediately, slamming it into Rodey's face. Pain shot through his knuckles while the boy stumbled backwards. Juan wanted to throw himself on the guy to hit him wherever he could, but June's sobs soaked up his attention.

Before he could say or do something, Jordy showed up next to him. "What the fuck, Ro?!" she snapped.

"What?" the boy scoffed, rubbing his thickening cheek. "This was your plan, right? Helping poor little Juan Carlos because he doesn't have the balls to hit on a girl himself? I had to make him jealous, remember?"

Juan froze, his face turning red of shame. What the hell was he talking about?

"I didn't tell you to assault her! Are you out of your mind?!" Jordy grabbed his chin, looking him in the eyes. "Did you take something?"

Rodey shrugged his shoulders. "How else was I supposed to have a good night? So what, I popped a couple pills; it made the evening better, you stuck me with such boring company."

Jordy slapped his cheek. Then she turned to Juan and signaled with her eyes to the side. Juan hesitated. He thought it would be better if Jordy would comfort her, since June had just been assaulted by a man. But he trusted her friend to know her best and turned towards June. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and was staring at the ground with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"June..." he whispered. Seeing her tears, made his voice shaky. Despite Jordy's encouragement, he didn't feel comfortable touching her. "June, you're safe now," he said. He stepped a little closer so he stood in front of her, but not so close that he would suffocate her. "Do you – do you want me to hold you?"

Although she was staring at the ground, he thought to see her nod. Still the nerves were swirling through his body, afraid he had misinterpreted her. He stepped closer, carefully laying his hands on her shoulders and pulling her into his arms. Her arms glided around him as she held him close. Hesitating, Juan caressed her hair, not knowing what else he could do. He couldn't even remember the last time he had comforted someone. As she buried her face against his shoulder, he pressed a kiss in her hair.

In the background he could hear the two cousins yelling at each other, but in the end Rodey walked away from them. Juan gritted his teeth as he caught a glimpse of the boy. He wasn't done with him yet. But right now he just wanted to be there for June.

"Sorry June," Jordy said quietly. She walked towards them. "He owed me a favor and I asked him to flirt a little with you, hoping Juan would make a move, but he went way too far and I am really, really sorry."

June didn't answer. He felt how her fingers were squeezing his vest and he assumed she was fighting new tears.

With a desperate glance in her eyes, Jordy raked a hand through her hair. "I... I don't know what else I can say, June. I am really sorry. I'm always interfering with everything... but I would never try to hurt you June, I thought I was helping you, and I thought he would just play with your hair or something. I never expected that he..." She breathed in sharply. "He's my cousin. I never thought he would do something like this."

Juan believed she was rather naive; Rodey had quite a reputation when it was about girls, but he kept silent about it. Instead, he gently stroked June's back.

"Can you head back to the party and send my brother outside?" Juan asked. "I'm going to bring her home." He didn't want to leave June alone, nor did he want to pull her through the crowd.

He felt how June tensed. She looked up to him, tears shining in her eyes. "He... He won't be coming with us, right?"

Juan shook his head. Very carefully he wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. "No, I'm just borrowing his car. You're okay with that? Or do you want to stay?"

"No," she muttered. "But your date..."

"She can go enjoy herself with Rodey or some other guy," he said with a grim face. "I bet he wouldn't mind kissing her." His worried eyes found hers. "Don't worry about her, okay? She'll be fine and I will take you home. Okay?"

With a pale face, she nodded. Juan turned back to Jordy, who understood the hint and left them.

Now they were alone, Juan felt awkward again. "I – I don't know what you... what would make you feel comfortable now, after, you know... But if you want... if you want you can hold my hand, or I can put my arm around you, or... or we could just stay like this, but I think it's better if we leave this place." Skittishly, he looked at the wall against which Rodey had pushed her.

Rubbing her eyes, she nodded. Juan let go of her and side by side they made their way out from the back of the building. As soon as they turned around the corner, he felt a caress across his fingers. Her hand slipped in his and their fingers laced.

Immediately, Juan felt much lighter. He turned his face to the side and saw how she blushed while nervously looking at him.

He squeezed her fingers in response, then he lifted her hand a pressed a soft kiss along her knuckles. 

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