How could you

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Your POV

He finally took me home. "Call me about the results." He says. "I will." I say. I go inside. (H/n) should be home in a few minutes so I should make him our favorite dinner. To celebrate I'm for certain baby. I make spaghetti and garlic bread.

Time skip

I set the table. He comes in. "Hi hun how was work? I made spaghetti." I say with a smile. He puts a envelope on the table and a pen. I look at him and open it. Divorce papers. "I can't do it (Y/n). I can't live with knowing my child is the biological child of Enji Todoroki. Especially if he looks like him." He says.

I hide my eyes with my bangs. "You wanted a baby just as much as I did. Just because they're Enji's you bail." I say. I take the pen and sign it. "I want you out of my house. Pack all of your things and leave." I say. I take his plate and silverware. I put them back in the cabinet. I go outside to the back porch.

I sit on a lawn chair and cry. I have to do this on my own now. He opens the door slowly. "GO AWAY DAMN IT! LEAVE BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" I shout. "(Y/n) I'm sorry I-" He says. I start to freeze the ground and chair. "No you're not! You're a dumbass! Selfish and too envious to accept the fact that I'm carrying Enji's child! You don't care about me. SO LEAVE!" I shout. The ice spreading as I grow more furious.

Time skip

He finally left and I just sit in my room. Thinking of what am I going to do. I need to get a job to support me and the baby I'll probably have to move into a two bedroom apartment. I can't afford this place since I can't be a pro anymore. I'd be stupid to be fighting while pregnant. I feel sick to my stomach. I run to the restroom and throw up.

God this is going to be terrible. I get my laptop and search or a job. All of a sudden I get a call from Enji. "How's it going? Did he come home yet." He asks. "He did and he is no longer going to be the father nor my husband." He says. "You told him we had sex?" He asks. "No he brought home divorce papers told me he didn't want to be the father because they're your child. I got pissed off, signed them and kicked him out." I say.

"So what's your plan?" He asks. "Sell the house, move into a two bedroom apartment and, get a new job. With the left over money I'll buy baby stuff. It's a work in progress." I say. "No." He says. "No what?" I ask. "You're going to stay with me. We'll pack your things tomorrow. Also you can come be my assistant. That way I can keep an eye on you just in case something happens. That is if you want to work you don't have to." He says. "No I do! I want to do those with you!" I say. "Great I'll have my employees come help you pack once everything is boxed up." He says.

"I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says. My heart skips a beat when he replies. "Now stop doing whatever you're doing and get some rest." He says. "Okay bye." I say. "Bye." He says. I'm going to eat first.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep. I hurry and serve myself some spaghetti. I'm so excited to be with him. Luckily (H/n) only had some clothes and bathroom supplies. I get the thousands of boxes from my basement. Also the giant roll of bubble wrap. I get the let go app and start posting things I won't need.

Time skip

Most of the items were sold today. Less packing for me. All of the living room is gone. I only kept the tv just in case. I packed all of the pantry food that I actually use. I'll pack all the fridge food I need in the cooler tomorrow. I take my cooking utensils just in case.(Cause there's always that one spoon or knife you like.)

I'll just buy new pots and pans. I throw away all the pictures of us and anything that reminds me of him. I do my room and restroom which was really easy. I didn't know I had such a small amount of clothes. I guess I never really needed a large amount of clothes since I'm working so much. I put a outfit to the side. So I can have clothes for the morning.

Maybe I shouldn't wear any flashy clothes tomorrow just to keep Enji calm and get work done. I'm so tired now I'll get some rest now. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.


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