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(I am really sorry about not updating. I've been all over the place with stories and I've been in a writer's block with this story. I'm in 8th place in endeavor and I miss being number 2 for one second I was number 1. So with out further a do let's get you some action with this sexy flame beast in the sheets.)

Your POV

I sit back and relax eating the food. I've felt like eating everything in sight and sleeping all day. Even though I get plenty of food and rest. "Ready to open presents?" Mom asks. "Mhm." I say and wipe my mouth with a napkin. She announces that we'll start with the bags and boxes then the separate cards. I look over to the gift table. Oh boy this is going to be a long gift opening.

Time skip

Well we have enough diapers for at least three months from the party. Lots of clothes,bibs, pacifiers, bottles and Toshinori bought a set of two cute little teddy bears. "Okay everyone. You can have as much fun as you want just not here. See you all later." Mom says holding a envelope. She walks over to us. "So um I noticed this handwriting and I wanted to save it for last and keep it in private." She says and hands me a envelope. I look at it. It was (H/n) handwriting.

What does he want from me? To see me suffer even more? He was supposed to be the father. All of a sudden he just writes a letter to our baby shower. I divorced him if that isn't a clue that I don't want to see or hear from you ever why bother. "You gonna open it?" She asks. I sigh then open it. " I'll see you later." She says and kisses my cheek.

Dearest (Y/n),

It's (H/n) I just want to say congratulations on your set of twins. I know that you'll be a great mother. I also wanted to say that I'm really sorry for leaving you like that. It's just...I wanted to have babies,babies that were between me and you. At first I didn't mind the fact of getting a donor. Then I just couldn't stop thinking how I'd be taking care of Enji's child. The man that you loved for several years. It just made me feel like maybe this was you saying that you didn't love me as much as him. That in all honesty I was just a tech guy. I knew that my performance in the bedroom wasn't all that great for you either. I thought maybe she wanted to feel at least some kind of decent pleasure before the babies came. Before we'd be really tied together with kids and no time for each other... All of that aside congrats on the babies. I'm sure they'll be as cute as you.

I'll always love you,

I crumple the paper up. "He's trash." I say and form ice around it. "What did he say?" Enji asks. "He told me congratulations but he also said he was sorry. The thing is it felt more like a it's your fault we aren't together. I just don't understand and I don't care. I just want to go home cuddle and take a nap with you." I say. "Well there's no point in responding. He's trash and you are a priceless piece of art. What you want sounds like a plan. I'll pack everything up and we can go home. Maybe after we're energized after our nap we can have some fun just me and you. You didn't really get to enjoy all of the baby shower and why not get all the fun you deserved from it today. I will show you an amazing time." He says whispering the last sentence in my ear. I swallow hard. "Mhm." I say.

"Good I'll go get everything." He says with a smirk. He kisses me then walks off. He is one hell of a man. Making me feel good so quickly.


Just a one time thing Endeavor x reader lemonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt