Sick (Daniel)

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I can't remember if I've written something like this before and if I have well then sorry, but here's this one now so enjoy.


You sat on your bathroom floor hurling into the toilet for what felt like hours, but in truth it was only a few minutes. Getting up from your spot on the floor you make your way to the sink to wash out your mouth. This process had been going on for at least ten minutes now and you were already sick of being sick. 

Your phone rings from its spot on the counter and you groan in pain. Reaching out and grabbing the annoying device you answer it. "Hello?" 

"Hey baby so I was- What's wrong?" Your boyfriend Daniel stopped half way through his sentence noticing your distress. 

"Hold on a minute." You mutter setting your phone down and running back over to the toilet. After spilling yesterdays lunch into the toilet you stumble back over to your phone. "I'm sick." Groaning you wash out your mouth and wait for a response. 

"On my way."

"No, Daniel I don't want to get you sick."

"You won't get me sick." He laughs. "Besides who else is going to baby you?" You could hear is car start up in the back ground. 

"Fine, see you soon."

"Bye I love you."

"Love you too." Hanging up the phone you place it back on it's spot on the counter and rush back to the toilet to spill your gut. 

A few minutes passed of nothing, but the sound of you puking before the doorbell rang. "It's always open." You call out hoping he could hear you. Sure enough the door opens and in walks a rather worried looking Daniel. He rushes into the bathroom and grabs your hair for you as you once again puke into the toilet. How there was anything left to puke up you didn't know. 

"Hey baby." Daniel greets you calmly rubbing circles on your back. You smile. 

"Hey." Shuffling around the bathroom Daniel grabs a washcloth and wets it before handing it to you for your face. "Thanks." You mumble wiping your face clean and spitting into the toilet a few times to remove the disgusting taste from your mouth. 


Daniel stayed there comforting you for hours before you were finished throwing up and fell asleep on the couch. When you woke up the next morning you were feeling great like you could get up and rule the world once again, but one look into the bathroom told you someone else wasn't so great. 

You chuckle to yourself before grabbing a washcloth. "I told you, you'd get sick." Shaking your head at your impossible boyfriend you hand him the washcloth. 


Am I the only one who can't get out of school for being sick? Like I swear I could be dying and my mom would be like "You can breathe so you're good enough to go to school." Like no mom I can't breathe I can barely stand, but you don't care. XD 

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