Chapter 12

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Danika and Olive sat in the open aired eating area, the sun was bright and sitting high in the sky. The wind gently slipped passed them, Danika could smell a familiar scent on the wind. It was one that made her happy, it was certainly a surprise. A surprise that was forgotten the second Shelly stood before them.

'You bitches had better not get in my way again.'

Danika looked up at the woman, her salon perfect brown hair nestled around her porcelain skin. If she wasn't frowning at Danika, she would have thought that she was a pretty woman. But the scowl on her face showed her true self.

'I don't remember ever being in your way.'

'You think you are so smart.' she sneered 'I heard you are doing this course again, what's the matter, failed it the first time?'

The girls behind her giggled.

'She didn't fail it.' Olive snapped, her anger coming out of nowhere.

'Ooo the mouse can talk. Sick of letting your girlfriend do all the talking for you?' she playfully pouted at Olive.

Her sneer turned back to Danika.

'Listen here emo girl, you don't stand a chance with the professor, neither of you do. So don't get in my way again or I'll tell the him you two are cheating.'

'Do you really think he will believe you?'

All of the girls gasped as they turned around, the professor was standing behind them. With him were two more men, the dean and their vampire king.

'Ladies I do believe you are in the presence of your king, curtsy or you will be reprimanded.' the dean chastised them.

They all curtsied, all except Danika.

'How come you didn't curtsy emo girl?' Shelly narrowed her eyes at her.

Danika smugly got off her seat and wrapped her arm around Lucian's waist. To her delight, his hand was firmly on her shoulder, ensuring it was very obvious.

'Emo girl doesn't have to curtsy her husband.' Lucian said with a dead pan face. 'If you come near my wife or Olive again, I will have you executed. Do I make myself clear ladies?'

They nodded very shocked, the dean stepped forward one pace.

'Ladies, you understand the rules of bullying. My office, now.'

The very ashen faces of three girls scurried off into the building, the dean bowed to Lucian and Danika and left them to deal with the fallout. Regardless of the bullying rules, he had to deal with them swiftly or face the king coming down on him for failure to act.

'Perfect timing, as always.' Danika grinned up at her handsome husband.

'Yes, however I do believe your disguise will no longer work. Not after hugging the king.'

Lucian looked around at the onlookers. Yes she was definitely outed. Olive sat back down, she didn't mind curtsying to Lucian, he seemed like he was a good man. He adored Danika and looked at her like no other woman existed. She then looked to Phabel, knowing that he would look at her the same, to him she was everything. He offered her a smile, small and hidden from those that looked on. It was enough for Olive, she knew he would want to plant lots of kisses all over her but refrained from doing so, for her educations sake.

'Right, I am off. I have to ready for my next lesson. Something about lives and loves.'

Phabel grinned at Lucian, knowing he could do a whole weeks worth of lectures on him alone.

'Shut up, bastard.'

'Of course, your highness.' Phabel bowed with a grin on his face.

It wasn't expected that Phabel should bow to Lucian, in terms of ranking they were on par with each other. It didn't matter that Lucian was king of the small kingdom of Rostonin, both he and Phabel were heir to the throne of their own realms. But for those that looked on, the professor who by all appearances was human, had to bow to his king. So he did just that, he bowed to the king of this country.

The Professors MemoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang