Chapter 21

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Danika had cooed over the ring when Olive had emerged for breakfast the next morning, curious to the shifting properties. Like the necklace, it would bond with her body and it would stay with her forever. For a short while she would be able to remove the ring if necessary which she was grateful for, she feared it slipping down the drain in the shower. Olive wished she could remove the necklace for the same reason but she couldn't. Phabel had told her that she didn't need to fear it falling from her body, it would never leave her. With time the ring would settle to her, binding the metal to her flesh and then she would never need to fear losing it. 

Olive had spent the week trying to tempt Phabel to stay the night with little luck. She was timid and unsure of it but she wanted their love to progress. They were engaged now, they were almost there with all of the memories. She wanted to tell him but knew it was important that he remembered them for himself. For all that she tried, Phabel was his usual self, insisting that the weekend would be more relaxed. Islana visited her regularly of an evening, looking over the design pictures that Olive drew. She couldn't get over how talented she was, thinking that there was a very good chance that her own wardrobe would soon be stocked with many of Olive's creations. With gentle persuasion, Islana convinced Olive to sketch out a few ideas for a wedding dress. She remembered Danika's words about Olive and that her mother had died a few years back, leaving a teenager with a drunken father who hit her regularly. She was thin because she barely ate due to there being no money and her abusive father held control over what she ate when he was around. Of course he didn't know that she would eat the fruit that grew on the trees that lined the path to the stream. Islana looked upon the sweet young woman, understanding why her son fell in love with her. She was very lovable. Even Islana was taken by her, she lit up the room with nothing more than a shy smile.

Friday morning Olive was greeted by her unwanted visitor. She wanted to cry, gone was the weekend of their love. Now all she would get was the same teasing and tempting as last weekend. Olive couldn't help but wonder if there was someone conspiring against her, wanting her to remain a virgin for the rest of her life. Annoyed and frustrated at her life, Olive packed her bag for the day ahead and went in search of Danika. At the door to the corridor, she stopped wondering what it was like for a house full of vampires that lived with a human woman. Tentatively she opened the door wondering if there was going to be a sea of fangs salivating, waiting for her to step out. One hazel eye peered through the crack, the corridor beyond was void of life. Olive wished that she had thought of this before, wondering what all of the female staff did when they got their periods.

'They generally avoid us.'

Olive shrieked as Danika sneaked up on her. She gripped her heavily beating heart, turning to a grinning Danika.

'You are easily spooked.'

'It's easily done when I fear that I am walking around smelling like walking lunch.'

Danika shrugged as she took the first step on the stairs, casually glancing back at Olive. She wanted her to be relaxed, to not fret that the vampires in this castle would salivate for blood at every single moment.

'It's not as bad as what you think. I am standing right here and I wouldn't be able to tell if your mind wasn't screaming it.'

'Don't you have a heightened sense of smell?'

'Not that heightened.' she said dryly. 'I suppose if I got on my knees in front of you I could but up here, no.'

'So I'm good to go then?'


They walked to the kitchen where Elena was setting breakfast on the table. Lucian was frowning at the paper he was reading, engrossed in a story about a human girl being punched in the middle of High Street. His eyes darted to his lovely wife who sat at the table with a smug grin.

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