Chapter 19

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She had been easily identified regardless of the oversized glasses and toned down clothes. There were two more with her, one that stood out among the crowd with her torn jeans and a shirt that had something scrawled over it in hot pink lettering that looked like graffiti. The other one was a shy little thing, clinging to the edge of the building as she walked along the side walk.


Evidence was a wonderful thing, especially when connections could be made so easily.

Click. Click.

The walked into a lingerie shop, the elder woman left with one of the guards to a nearby fast food shop. She returned a few minutes later without any purchases, entering the store where the two younger women were already shopping.

Click. Click. Click.

As the women walked out of the shop, the elder woman got ahead of them, not realising the younger ones were about to be approached by what looked like a human woman. The figure watched as the human talked. She couldn't hear what was being said but by the look on the humans face, it couldn't be pretty. The woman smiled as she watched, slowly gathering her evidence.


The drama had gained quite a crowd, watching as the woman in the ripped jeans punched the new woman in the middle of High Street. It was a section of town that was supposed to be upper class, not entertaining the riffraff that scuffled with each other in broad daylight. The elder woman returned, the fury on her face was something to smile about.


Two watched the scene from across the street, hidden in the alcove of a shop. They smiled at each other and continued their stoic watch of the surroundings.


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