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Phabel rolled over, feeling the sensation that someone was watching him. His eyes slowly opened to one pretty little girl with her arm wrapped around her over hugged rabbit. Her mother had made her bed clothes in Nethalia's favourite theme, rabbits. The bed shorts were little bunnies dotted over a pink gingham check, the shirt was a plain white with a large bunny embroidered on the front. Nethalia had terrible bed hair but Phabel thought it didn't matter, they were beautiful large brown curls like her mothers.

'Good morning Nethalia.' he whispered.

'When are we going?'

He pursed his lips at her as his eyes narrowed. She was going through her difficult stage, talking too loudly was one of the biggest issues.

'Good morning Nethalia.'

'Good morning daddy.' she sighed.

Nethalia climbed onto the bed, moving to her mother. Phabel pulled her away, lifting her onto his lap as he sat up.

'Let mummy sleep, she is very tired lately.'

'I don't want a brother.'

'You don't get a choice.'

'I want to go now.'

'Nethalia.' Phabel softly chided her.

She pouted as she played with her rabbit, Phabel looked upon the sweet child. For all of her three years of life, she was a demanding little creature. She hadn't stopped talking about going to see her favourite family members, insisting that they go last night. It had taken some convincing, telling her that they would go when guests would be welcomed not when it suited her.

'Let's go and make breakfast for mummy.'



'I want to look at the photos again.'

'Please may I look at the photos daddy?' Phabel looked at her.

She pouted and looked up at him with her big blue eyes that filled with tears, much to Phabel's annoyance, he caved to her. He didn't want her screaming the place down and waking Olive. Nethalia sat at the table and looked through the photos, yet again searching for herself.

'I'm not here.' she pouted.

'I told you Nethalia, you were in mummy's tummy.'

Nethalia looked at the picture of her mother in the long white dress, wondering how it was possible.

'Did she eat me?'

'No.' Phabel chuckled 'You were growing inside of her like your brother is at the moment.'

'I don't want a brother.'

Phabel ignored the statement, not wanting to enter into that conversation again. From the very second she had put her hand on her mothers stomach and found the baby within, Nethalia had been telling them that she wanted a sister. She sat quietly and flicked over the pages, looking at the wedding photos. Her father took away the book and put her breakfast in front of her.

'When are we going?'

'Soon, eat your breakfast.'

Nethalia scoffed the food down quickly, wanting to get going quickly.

'I want to wear the pink dress.'

Phabel turned around, Nethalia had climbed onto the kitchen bench and had started to pour the juice.

'Please don't climb on the kitchen bench darling, it's not safe.'

He lifted her off, gently putting her to the floor and ignored the frown she was shooting at him. With dismay he watched as she took off, running through the kitchen. Nethalia didn't walk, she ran everywhere. Phabel finished off making breakfast, when he had prepared everything, he set it onto a tray and walked out of the kitchen. As he took the first step to the stairs, he realised that Nethalia was being far too quiet. His mind rattled, thoughts of children being too quiet wasn't a good sign. It meant that she was up to no good. He hastened up the stairs, turning to the bedroom wing. Silence surrounded him as he stepped over the plush carpet. It was the shadows that was Nethalia's undoing. Phabel had seen the light shine through the window, casting a shadow to the wall opposite. It was of a little cub, wiggling her backside in preparation for pouncing. The curtains slowly moved, giving her away. Phabel set the tray down and continued on, waiting for the inevitable. With a little roar, the cub pounced her way out trying to take down the mountain that was her father. She hadn't prepared for her father knowing her whereabouts and as she pounced along the floor, he changed into a cub and roared back at her. They rolled on the floor, growling and pouncing, chasing each other around. It wasn't until they were faced with a very tall woman did they stop.

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