Chapter 9

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Olive had stayed for the rest of the dinner, which was eaten in relative silence. Danika had offered to find some literature on shape shifters for her, stating that there wasn't a library on this planet where she would find a book about them. They were an unknown species and they wanted it to remain that way. Danika warned her that she musn't tell any one of them, that she had to keep their secret or she would be punished. She didn't want to use the punish word around Olive, knowing of her fear of vampires and their rules but she knew that in this one instance, it was justified. Olive had to understand the requirements when it came to knowing about them, the rules that the vampires held in regards to the unknown species. If all went well, one day soon Olive would be with Phabel and in time, she would be his wife. And with a little more time, the two of them would go on to rule the shape shifter world. Eris had already discussed with Lucian the need for Olive to become educated in their world. Just because they were hardly talking to each other, didn't mean that it would always be like that. He could see that their emotions were crumbling, with a few little pushes from those that loved them, these two would get there. That was his reasoning behind the need for Olive to be educated in all things shifter related, she would be a part of their world and it was necessary. The education would begin this weekend.

When they readied to return Olive home, Danika feigned tiredness and sudden illness, suggesting that her fish may have been under cooked. Phabel frowned at her knowing she wasn't sick or tired, that there was nothing wrong with her fish and that it was one large ploy. And that was why he was now driving Olive home. She sat in the passenger seat, the soft leather cool to touch watching as Lucian walked over.

'Danika said she will see you tomorrow if she is well and that you should keep Saturday free.'

'What for?'

'I have no idea.' he said dryly 'I suspect she is up to something, much like tonight. Don't be mad at her she only had your best interest at heart.'

Olive nodded as Lucian shut the door, smiling broadly at her. She could hear Phabel muttering as he rounded the car, no doubt he was not impressed. Pressure had been mounting in his mind, the thoughts of the night were hounding him, reminding him of how cold he had been to her in his office and behind the building. She was looking out for her friend and still he was like he always was. Cold and distant. He had been getting worse as the years had passed, upon reflection he now realised it had been happening for only a few years now, it was likely since that night in question. His mind knew that something was wrong yet it could not figure it out. He was missing his mate and the dark and brooding thoughts were controlling his life, creating some heartless monster that treated others with contempt. He was destructive and it was lucky that Lucian had given up his partying ways, otherwise the two of them would have been drunk somewhere. Then there were the lust filled thoughts of her, now they made sense. His soul had felt the return of his mate and began to prepare him for the inevitable. It made him lust for her, want her, need her. There would be nothing that he could do to stop the thoughts, it was what made bonded love monogamous. It was consuming and forceful. The soul would never accept anything other than the mate and all he wanted was her. Even with his thoughts about the past few days and how poorly he had treated her, he couldn't help but think about the positives. She was delicate like a flower and he new that she could wilt as easily too. He had to tread carefully, the ground beneath the two of them was thin and could break at any moment.

They had driven in silence for about five minutes before Phabel couldn't take it any longer. He glanced to Olive who was sitting on the seat as close to the door as she could get. Her body was faced away from him and he could see the intention, the signal. Still, he persisted. He had to get to know her otherwise she would slip away from his grip, he would lose her forever.

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