Chapter 22

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Danika and Olive walked through the gates flanked by the guards that remained hidden to the  world around them. Much to Olive's dismay, people were watching them. She wondered if it was because they knew who Danika was or if it was because of her punching Shelly. Dread snaked it's way up her spine, causing a white hot fizzle in her mind over the Shelly fiasco. Olive was glad that she wasn't here any more, as much as she didn't want for her to be kicked out of the university, she saw it as the only option. For her to have a peaceful life here, it had to be Shelly free. There was no Shelly but the other two girls stopped them in their path. Olive didn't know their names, they were the mindless followers of one nasty cow.

'We know you got Shelly kicked out emo girl.' the blonde snarled 'You are going to pay for that.'

Olive could see the guards appear out of the corner of her eye, their ominous presence was looming over them as they stared down the two girls.

'Curtsy to your queen ladies.' one of the guards calmly spoke.

They did as they were told but reluctantly.

'Your orders were that you were not to speak to them nor approach them. Leave now or we will arrest you.'

Danika watched wordlessly as they turned and left.

'Orders mean nothing. Threaten their lives, it means nothing. Carry out the threat upon one of them and it still means nothing. What did I ever do to deserve this?'

'They are jealous.' Olive offered 'They know that you snared the king, something that they had probably wished for their own life. They can not handle the thought that you are more enticing to him than they are and if that isn't enough reason, well I guess that we could put it down to the fact that they are bitches, simple.'

The two women looked at each other and burst out laughing. They walked into their first class of the morning, to Olive's delight, it was vamp history. She would look upon her love as he taught her of this world. As Danika pushed through the door, she could feel something wrong. Looking upon the room, she could see the lesson was already underway. Her eyes looked to her watch, it had stopped completely.

'Damn it.' she hissed under her breath. 

They tried to quietly slip into their seats, Phabel had his back to them and they thought he hadn't seen them. Of course he had, because his eyes always searched for Olive, he knew she wasn't here and worried for her.

'Ladies.' he turned from the white board. 'My office after class.'

'Yes professor.' they agreed in unison.

The door swung open again, much to Phabel's annoyance.

'Can I help you?' he said to the flustered young man.

'New to class.' he stuttered as he held out his paperwork.

Phabel gestured for him to move forward.

'The uh, council were delayed in approving my move here.' he said as Phabel took the papers.

'Alright Mister Connors, you are excused for your tardiness for this time only. Take a seat and do not be late ever again.'

'Yes professor.'

Phabel took out his seating chart, when he looked up he was horrified to see that there was only one seat available in this class. Right next to his mate. He watched with very controlled anger as the young man spoke to Olive and she smiled at him. Phabel cleared his throat, both of them looking at him.

'When you are ready Mister Connors.'

His eyes darted to Danika who for once wasn't whispering things in his mind. Maybe she was smitten by the good looks of the new guy. Phabel took a deep breath, knowing that the pendant would bind Olive so deep that she couldn't even contemplate taking another lover. He turned to write on the whiteboard, hoping that he could distract his destructive mind from it's negative thoughts.

The Professors Memoryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें