Chapter 4

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Olive fidgeted as she sat outside the professors office. True to her word, Danika had gone in first to explain what had happened, hoping to avoid any discipline for Olive. It wasn't her fault, Danika should have waited until the end of the day like she was told.

'Jeez Phabe settle down. We were like five seconds late.'

'Danika you were ten minutes late, the class had already begun and besides I have to be seen punishing you both.'

'Can't you just pretend you punished Olive?'

Phabel bristled at the mention of her name. If you asked him why he would not have been able to give you an answer.

'I'm sorry Danika but what if she tells people that she got away with it?'

'I'll tell her not to say anything.'

'And if she lets slip?'

'Come on Phabe, don't be a crusty old man.'

'Here I am a professor you should remember that. You are pushing your luck by not calling me by my proper name.'

'But I am your queen.' she fluttered her eyes at him.

'You are queen of this land Danika, not of me. I am a shifter therefore not under your rule.'

'That may be so, Phabel.' she turned to the door 'But you forget that you reside in this land, I can rescind your work permit with one little phone call.'

'Go ahead, try it. See how far you get and if you succeed, what will your darling Lucian say? Or better yet, your mother-in-law?'

Danika squinted at Phabel, both of them knew that Alina would be super pissed if Phabel was kicked out of his job and Elm'nyth, thus ending a major portion of vamp life program. With Profossor Ronson out, Phabel was doing more than just history, he was doing law as well. Something that was necessary. Danika thought that this was a pain. She didn't want Olive punished for her stupidity and she didn't want to be on the outer with her mother-in-law. Alina liked her and Danika wanted to stay on her good side.

'You just want her in here because you like her.' Danika sauntered back very smug.

'Don't be preposterous.' he snapped.

'Shame you can't read her mind Phabe, it is very interesting.'

'Why, she has some sick fantasy about a tryst with her professor?'


She shook her head with a devilish grin, knowing he had no clue. Danika wondered what happened to his memories of it, why could only one of them remember the night in question? She knew she would have to ask Lucian about it.

'So what then?'

'Just memories of her past. She had a fish theme going on Phabe. Fish. Don't you think that's interesting?'

Phabel screwed up his face at her like she was crazy.

'Not really. How about we talk about your punishment?'

'Yes punishment. I think your company at dinner Thursday night would be more than enough punishment.'

Danika turned back to the door.

'Seven pm Phabel, don't be late.'

She swung the door open with a subdued grin, as she partly closed it Phabel bellowed for Olive to enter.

'Hey, you want to come for dinner Thursday night?'

'Uh...' Olive's eyes darted to the door that was ajar.

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