Chapter 20

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Phabel had returned within a few hours, his closely guarded secret held tight to his heart. When he returned to the castle, he found Olive with his mother in the parlour, going through the city names. He smiled sympathetically at Olive, knowing his mother was a hard taskmaster. She looked tired and probably wished to be free of her. His mother turned as he stood in the doorway and smiled softly at him, she would continue to occupy Olive for a little while longer as he had requested. Islana didn't know what her son was up to but figured it wasn't something she wanted to know about. She hoped he didn't take too much longer, she didn't know how much longer she could keep Olive interested.

'Well?' Lucian waited by the door to their wing 'Did you get it done?'

'I did.'


'It's all good Lucian, don't stress.'

'Everything has been done as you have asked.' he sighed 'Don't say I never do anything for you.'

'I appreciate it, it will all be over soon enough and you won't need to be tiptoeing around.'

Lucian sighed wondering if Phabel was thinking straight. He was so preoccupied with his memory loss that Lucian worried Phabel's life was becoming a blur. Lucian didn't want him to regret such hasty decisions, thinking that a few more days might have been beneficial. 

'So you are actually going to do it?'

'It is the natural course of events, isn't it?'

'I suppose. How do you think she will take it?'

'Tears, no doubt.'

Lucian nodded, watching as Olive wearily trudged up the stairs. Her hand ran over the rail as if it was the support she needed to make it up the stairs. She looked like she hadn't slept all night, her face was pale which accentuated the purple tinge under her eyes.

'You might want to abort the mission Phabe, she looks rather tired. I can't imagine a good outcome if you did it tonight.'

'I can't.' he paled as she drew closer 'It has to be tonight, I have to get this over with. I can not continue with things the way they are.'

'Alright.' Lucian sighed 'Good luck.'

He slapped him at the top of his shoulder and smiled at Olive as they passed on the stairs. She returned the smile but couldn't help but notice the odd look on his face. When she reached Phabel she noticed he had a similarly odd look.

'Everything ok?'

'Of course.'

Phabel smiled, hoping that the emotions that were building would hold behind the facade his face was trying to maintain. He pushed open the main door for her, enclosing them into the corridor between their rooms.

'Olive stop for a moment.'

She did as he asked, feeling the tension rise between them. Her thoughts of there being something wrong were being confirmed, the odd looks that Lucian and Phabel had were falling into place. Something was definitely wrong.

'I just want to say before we go through this door that the expectations that I hold aren't what would normally occur. We have agreed that this weekend would be restrained with our love and I want you to know that I will continue with that agreement.'

'Uh, ok.' she crinkled her face in confusion.

'I also have no expectations of what you will say but to me this is what I want and I hope that you do too.'

Olive could feel her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach, wondering what he was talking about. Her mind thought the worst, he was acting odd, he had been all morning too. She wondered if he had grown bored of her and no longer cared about the stone or their mated love. Tears prickled in her eyes.

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