Chapter 25

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Phabel stepped into the lounge room of their wing, hearing nothing. The fire wasn't going which he thought was odd considering that Olive was always cold in this castle. He took great strides through the room, calling to her.

'In here.'

He could hear the tremble in her voice, beyond the half closed bathroom door.

'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, just a little pain. Miranda says it will pass with time.'

Cautiously he pushed the door a little, seeing Olive in the bath. Her hair was wet, plastered down her back as she hugged her legs. She looked like she was in serious pain and he didn't want her to suffer. His mind lingered with the thoughts that if she were a shifter he'd be able to help her but as a human, there was nothing he could do for her, aside from the things humans did for themselves. He didn't even know if Lucian had any pain relief here. Phabel offered regardless, figuring he could probably find something in mid jump if there was no medicine here.

'Did you want something for the pain?'

Olive shook her head as she looked up, he offered an apologetic smile. Internally he was thinking that he ready to find this witch and ensure that they knew what pain was.

'It's getting there, it's much better than when she first left.'

Her eyes met his with a soft grin, she could see his reluctance to step through the door.

'But you know what I would like?'

'Anything my love.' his eyes lit up.

'One of those massages would be very nice.'

'Ok.' he grinned 'Dry off and come out.'

Phabel stood by the bed with the box of oils in his hand, wondering if he should pull the cover back. It wasn't exactly the cleanest of things to do on the bed but he wanted her to be comfortable. Dumping the box on the bedside, he sighed and pulled the cover back, thinking they could always sleep in the other bedroom if they made too much of a mess. He had found some towels to drape over the bed, creating a layer between the bed sheets and the mess they would make. Olive walked out and crawled across the bed, laying onto her stomach as he covered her backside with the towel. She chuckled to herself, thinking that nothing had changed, he was still chaste and well behaved. His thumbs pressed deep into her lower back, relieving the pain. Over and over again his fingers pushed the oil over her skin, pulling Olive into a more relaxed state.

'How is that aui leabu?'

'Amazing.' she sleepily murmured.

Phabel sat back on his legs, looking at the beautiful body laid before him. His mind could not distract from the need to move things along but the pain in her body was a setback for them. He knew he would not request such things from her when she couldn't possibly enjoy it.

'Well, I think you should clean off the oil slick and then it's off to bed.'

Olive nodded though she felt her body tense. She didn't need to be a mind reader to know what he was thinking. The fact that he had started the conversation about it earlier was enough to tell her that he wanted to push things ahead. Phabel moved off her body as she turned over and sat up, casually wrapping the towel around her. She kissed him softly, hoping that it might illicit some carnal thoughts and not sleepy thoughts. As the water ran over her back, washing away the oil, Olive pondered her minor dilemma. She knew why Phabel had suddenly become hands off, it was the pain. He was worried about this witch that was causing issues in their love life yet he had suggested that it was bed time, meaning there was not going to be sex tonight. Olive still had issues when it came to Phabel and his statements of not right now, tomorrow will be fine. Her mind returned to that night where he had first suggested that the next night would be better for them but it wasn't. The next night was the worst night for Olive, she was officially alone and she waited for him to return to her. She cried, thinking he was a liar, she couldn't understand why he would offer her a necklace and not return to her the next night. As the warm water ran down her back, Olive's fingers touched the pendant. It felt hot against her skin, like it wanted their love to be consummated too. Taking a deep breath in, she turned off the water and dried off.

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