Chapter 50 Taking that Step

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What is Love?

Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth. Everybody falls in love and most of the time, they don't ever realize what's happening or they can't explain that feeling. We are attracted to a certain person due to a lot of reasons, but most of them remain unconscious.

A student raise her hand and said But professor you said that there is no reason to fall in love..

She then answered Love comes unexpectedly. Once it approaches, there is no turning back.

Yes there is no reason to fall in love but people still seek for reason to love someone.

The one who loves you will never leave you even if there are hundred reasons to give up, they will find one reason to hold on.

Another student approaches and asked Even though they are part ways o kaya in a long distance relationship, can we still find love?

When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far and nobody can keep them apart.

Though you may be far apart, always remember that you will always be close at heart.

Always remember that true love is felt even when you are not together. It is valued even though you do not see each other. You think about each others goodness and wait for the......

And the professor right on the board


You can't rush something that you want to last forever, Patience is a virtue.

What if one of them gives up? A student asked again

She then look at everyone and said If you give up then it means you never wanted it.

But sometimes love is sacrifice.. Sacrifice to protect the one that you love... Giving up...

Giving up... Sacrifice to protect someone? How is that Professor? Another student asked

And then she read the words on the board


Just like I said, love comes unexpectedly, sometimes you need to let go to make each of you grow and to protect them.

Love is not selfish. Not every day is filled with romantic excitement but whatever happens, hopefully you will see the reason why things are happening to you. You cannot divide your heart or your body. There is a time for everything on its RIGHT TIME.

But Professor Death, isn't so much hurt in letting go someone?

She looks at the student and smiled bitterly sometimes, they choose to break your heart rather than hurting you forever.

If you really love that person, learn to wait. Maybe you are not meant to be together for today but meant to be in the future.

Always remember that no one can take away that person that is destined for you.

If you do love that person, set them free. If they come back, they are yours, if not then they never were.

But what if it's not worth fighting for. Will you still love? Will you still stay? a student asked

True love can wait until the right time comes, just keep hoping and praying for what is best for both of you because true love never give up.

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